nighttime adventures

698 16 40

New France p.o.v

I was getting pack because my mother France and I were moving today. I folded my trousers and placed it in my bag. After folding my clothing and closing my bag, I grab my coontail hat and placed it on my head. I grabbed my bag and dragged it out my room before one of the severant had came and took it from me.


"You had severants?!" Ontario exclaimed while rudely interrupted his father story.

"Yes, I had severants" Canada answered as Ontario gaped at how lucky his dad was (I want someone to clean my room for me). "Anyways......." Canada continued


He brought it downstairs while I tagged behind him. Soon enough, my mother came into viewed and I ran to her and hugged her leg.

"bonjour mon fils" she said while squatting so she could hug me back. "Bonjour maman, comment vas-tu?" I said. My mother was usually always working in her office, only coming out for food or to use the washroom so I try very hard to cherish the moments I had with her.

"Ça va comme çi comme ça, et toi?" She said with a yawn. My smile fell a bit, I looked worrily at my mother but shrugged it off. "Ça va bein" I said as my mother regain her posture. She place her hand on my shoulder and guided me to a wagon. The severants placed our stuff in the back of the wagon while I sat beside my mom who was the coachwoman.
After a while we reached a dock. There was a huge ship with several men boarding it.

"Où allons-nous?" I asked as me and my mother boarded the ship. "à notre nouvelle maison" she said, looking out to sea with a small smile.

Soon enough the boat started to move and we were off. I followed my mom as she started to talk to some guy name Jacques Cartier.

Time skip brought to you by the demon under my bed

After a few weeks, I could see land. We reach shore. This place seemed familiar even though I know that I never been here before. "où sommes-nous?" I asked looking up at my mom. "bienvenue en nouvelle france, mon fils!" She said as she picked me up and carried me off the boat.

After taking our luggage and bringing it to the wagon, we were off. We travel down this rocky path for such along time that it was getting dark. I was watching the trees and some of the animals but soon enough I fell asleep, leaning on my mother.

Time skip brought to you by my laziness

I was awakened by mother shaking me, telling me that we have finally arrived at the house. I slowly opened my eyes, my vision trying to regain focus. I got up and looked at the house. It wasn't as big as our last house but it was doable. Our stuff was brought into the house and we settled in.

We got unpacked and my mother made dinner. She sat me down at the table and give me my food then took her food to her office, so she can work. I ate my dinner then washed the plate in the basin.

I walked down the hall to my room, changed into my nightgown and sat on my bed looking through the window. The moon was full that night and shone brightly that night. I looked at the forest behind our house, I stared at for awhile then out of no where a pair of small, black beady eyes pop up from the forest. We had a mini staring competition until they just disappear.

Out of curiosity, I jump out of bed and climbed through my window. Without hesitation, I ran through the forest hoping that I could catchup to whatever that was. I push through the branches and ignore when it when they cut me.

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