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New France pov

It was the end of the week and I was supposed to be going back to my mother. I was packing up my stuff while listening to Treize colonies talk about the most random stuff as he laid on top of my bed, looking up at the ceiling. "Well,  I am of the fini" I say as I threw my bag over my shoulders.

"Huh? Oh your done, well let's go, dad is waiting" Treize Colonies said and grabbed my hand, pulling me with him as we ran into the living room. "You're ready?" Royaume-Uni asked, I nodded "Ou- yep" I correct myself.

"Well, let's get going, shall we" he said as he got up and walked to the door. I gave Treize Colonies a hug, "seeing you of later, Au revoir" I say as I ran to the door and waved. "Bye" he said as Royaume-Uni and I walked out the door.

We walked down the street, I decided to look at the different houses and wonder what countries lived in them. I didn't socialized with other countries when I was here, to be honest Treize Colonies, Royaume-Uni and Mother were the only Countries I met- Oh! Also Iýiniwihkâsow.

Soon Royaume-Uni had abruptly stopped, I stopped and looked at him. "Hold on tight" he said, Oh, we're doing this again. I latched onto his arm and closed my eyes tightly, even though my eyes were closed I was still able to see the blinding light. Once again, it felt like I was being thrown into the air the quickly back down to Earth.

I opened my eyes and immediately had the strong feeling of needing to puke. "There's a bush over to your left" I heard Royaume-Uni said as he took my bag. "And try not to get vomit on your clothes" He warned as I ran over to the bush and throw up everything I ate for the past 3 days. 

Royaume-Uni crouched down beside me, careful not to step in vomit and started to rub my back. After we were sure I was done, he had helped me up and we started walking again. I had the taste of still lingering in my mouth but hey, at least I didn't get any on my clothes. 

"Don't worry, you soon get used to that and eventually stop vomiting everytime" Royaume-Uni reassured, well that's nice to know, I guess. We keep walking down the path and soon enough my mother and I house was coming into view.

I started to pick up my pace, excited to see mother and Jacques again. We reached the house, I knocked on the door. We heard a faint "J'arrive" from the house and scuffling, we waited patiently and then the opened. 

"MÈRE! (MOTHER!)" I exclaimed and hugged her legs, she smiled and crouched down to my levels. "Bonjour Chérie (Hello Darling)" she said softly as she hugged my back. We released and she stood back up, She and Royaume-Uni stared at each other awkwardly. "*Ahem* well, I guess I should get going" Royaume-Uni said nervously, "Yep" Mother stated and stared at him blankly.

"Um..yes.. well this belongs to you" he says as he passes me my bag " and .. um I guess that's all.. uh good day to you both and.. uh bye" he stuttered and started to leave. "Bye" I say and waved, he glanced back and waved back.

Mother and I walked inside and closed the door, "va ranger tes affaires, puis viens m'aider dans les jardins (go and tidy up your things, then come help me in the gardens)" She order then shooed me away. I ran to my room and dropped my bag on the floor, I walked over to the box where Jacques was keep in and opened it. "je suis de reto- ! (I'm ba-!)" I was saying but stopped, "où êtes-vous allé!? (Where did you go!?)" I asked in alarm. Jacques was gone!.

I start to look around my room in panic, How did he even get out the box!? What if my mom had found him!? Was I going to get in trouble!?. Questions raced through my head as checked under my bed for the tenth time, "Que cherchez-vous? (What are you looking for?)" I heard my mother ask from behind me. 

I tried to lift up my head but immediately hit my head against the bed frame, I got out from under bed and stood up straight, "REIN! (NOTHING!)" I exclaimed as I faced her. "Vous êtes sûr? (You sure?)" she asked again, giving me a concerned looked. "Oui! (Yep!)" I said and gave a small nodded, "bon, tu peux venir m'aider dans le jardin alors (well, you can help me in the garden then)" she said and started to turn around but then in the corner of my eye I spotted something move behind her.

Immediately recognizing the the slick bur fur I had to think quickly, before mother could even turn around I abruptly ran up to her and hugged her legs, not saying anything. She stopped and looked down at me, without asking questions she got down to my level and hugged me back. I watched as Jacques shuffled away and into the next room, I released her and we just looked at each other awkwardly.

"Te sens-tu bien? (Are you feeling well?)" She asked and pressed the back of her hand to my forehead. She scrunched her face as I stood there uncomfortably, " tu te sens bien, Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas? (you feel fine, what's wrong?)" She asked concerned as she withdrew her hand. "Rien, je vais bien (Nothing, i'm fine)" I say and we kinda just have a staring contest, "ok je vais être dans les jardins, sors quand tu es prêt (ok i will be in the gardens, come out when you are ready)" she said and started to leave.

I watched as she walked into the next room, hoping that she won't notice Jacques and luckily she didn't and just walked out the back door. I made sure that she was gone and quickly walked into the next room, I snatched Jacques and brought him back into my room.

"Tu m'as presque fait une crise cardiaque! (You almost gave me a heart attack!)" I exclaimed and placed him back on my bed.


A/N: Sorry this took a long time to come out but what can I say, I am very lazy. Thank you to anyone reading this and I hope you have a yeeting day! Stay safe!

Word count: 1062

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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