the beaver

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"Um... Can I have two large Hawaiian pizzas, one large pizza with only backbacon (is backbacon only one word or two?), another large pizza with half cheese and half pepperoni with the packs of ranch dipping sauce, thank you" Canada said closing the call and placing his phone in his back pocket. He didn't feel like cooking today so he just order some pizza for his kids to eat. He left the kitchen, ducking a little bit so that he can fit under the doorway(Tall boi problems).

He walked into the living room and decided to join an uno game with Ukraine, Nova Scotia, P.E.I and British Columbia, while the rest had a karaoke night.

Time skip brought Hawaiian pizzas

Ukraine smirked as she put down a card that read 'stop saying sorry or pick up 25' and watch Canada pick up the whole deck. "Sorry, no" he said as he struggled to keep his cards in hands.

There was a knock on the door so Canada got up and asked "who's there?", "pizza guy". Canada opened the door, handed the guy 50 dollars and took the pizza. He said thanks and closed the door. "GUYS, PIZZA HERE!" Canada yelled as he placed the pizza's on the table. The provinces and territories stopped what they were doing and ran to get a slice.

They finished their uno game while they pizza with Canada in first place (he had a lot of +2 card) and Ukraine in last place (HA! Revenge).
"OKAY, IT'S NOW TIME FOR YOU GUYS TO GO TO BED!" He yelled and everyone started go upstairs.

"Wait a minute, didn't you say that you'll continue the story from yesterday, I want to know if you got in trouble or not" Ontario demanded. Canada turned around and let out a small sigh. "Well, if you guys want to then get clean up and come to my room.

They got changed into their pyjamas then went to brush their teeth then went to Canada room and sat on his and Ukraine king size bed. Canada sat in the middle then started to continue his story.


New France p.o.v

I walked through the forest and found my way back home while the sun was rising and the beaver still in my arm. My house came into sight so I ran to it and climb back in through my bedroom window. I placed the beaver in a empty box and went to find the first aid kit for my cuts.

I went in the kitchen and pulled a chair to reach the cabinet where most of the medical supplies were. I search through the cabinet pulled out the first aid kit then opened it. I took a cloth and wet it and tried my best to clean my cuts but that wasn't doable with only one working arm. My arms drop to my side and I was left there to suffer (plz sign a petition to help the poor maple child).

I just sat there, not knowing what to do. I sat there for a least five minutes before I heard "Ce qui vous est arrivé!?"(what happened to you). I turned around to find my mother standing there, she ran to me and grab my left arm. "Aie!(ouch)" I hiss, she apologized and gently examined my arm then out of nowhere she quickly twisted it back into place. "AIE!" I yelled and pulled my arm out of her grip.

It hurt a little bit but I was glad that my arm was fixed. I smiled at her and she chuckle. She dampen the cloth then cleaned my cuts and wrapped my arms in bandage and the finger I got bitten on. After she didn't question where I got the injuries from but instead just started making breakfast.

Not wanting to wait there, I excused myself and went to my room. I went and checked on my beaver, who was now awake. I picked them up and placed them on my bed. "je me demande comment je vais vous nommer?(I wonder what I'm gonna name you?)" I whispered quickly. "mais d'abord quel genre êtes-vous?(But first what gender are you?)" I asked and like if they understood me, they quickly roll over onto they back then on their stomach. "Eh bien, je suppose que tu es un garçon(Well, I guess you're a boy)" I said and thought for a while.

"que diriez-vous de justin?(How about Justin?)" I asked him but got no reaction. "je suppose que non(I guess not)" I whispered and started thinking for a different name.
"vous aimez le nom alexandre?(Do you like the name Alexander?)" I asked, no reaction. Damn, he's picky.

No reaction

" jake?"
No reaction

" tchad?(chad?)"
No reaction

" Michael?"
No reaction

" Jacques?"
Finally, a reaction!

"donc tu aimes le nom Jacques? (So you like the name Jacques?)" I said as I picked him up and placed him in my lap, petting his fur. I hummed an old French lullaby as I pet Jacques head. We stayed like that until I heard my mother call my name. I placed Jacques back in the box and ran to the kitchen where my mother was.

"Mère?(mother?)" I asked as I entered the kitchen. My mother turned her head from the thing she was holding and looked at me. "oh bonjour mon fils, il va y avoir des invités donc j'ai besoin de toi pour te changer (oh hello my son, there are gonna be guest over so i need you to change into these)" she said as she passed me the thing she was holding. I took what turned out to be clothing and went back to my room.

I finished changing and I was now wearing a longsleeve white shirt that was tucked into a brown trouser that were being held up by brown suspenders, a bow tie and my coontail hat. I went back to mother, who was wearing a long blue dress that had long sleeves.

"ils vont être là dans quelques minutes(they're gonna be here in a few minutes)" mother said as she straightened out her dress. She then left the room the room to retrieve something. I got a pencil and paper and started drawing, I decided that I wanted to draw Jacques.

Me and my mother  went to the door and opened it.


A/n: welp, this chapter is done for now. I wonder who was at the door?. I hope you all have a yeeting day.

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