the visitors

340 12 14

New France p.o.v

Mother and I went to the door and opened it. There was a tall man in a black suit with black gloves, red tie, this weird glass thing on his face and a black top hat. His flag had a blue background with a red plus over a red x, both with a white outline. Beside him was a boy, who looked a bit older than me but still very young, he had a red flag but in the corner was the other man's flag.

"Well hello there, you must be new France?, I am the United kingdom" the man introduced and stuck out his hand but I didn't take it, I didn't know any English only French, so I stood there confused. "He doesn't know English" my mum said  and I placed her hand on my shoulder. "Right sorry" he apologized. "Il s'appelle Royaume- uni (his name is the United Kingdom)" my mum translated.I finally understood and reach to shake his hand but mother pushed my hand down.

Royaume-uni dropped his hand and  glared at my mother while she glared back. the boy beside him looked very confused while I probably look awkward. I smiled at him and stuck out my hand "Salut mon nom est la nouvelle france (hi my name is New France)". He took it but didn't say anything. "Sorry but I don't know any French do you know what he said?" He asked my mother. "He said that his name is New France" she answered. "Oh, my name is thirteen colonies" he said and my mum translated it "Il s'appelle treize colonies". I nodded and we all went inside.

Treize colonies and I sat on the couch while Royaume-uni give us both some parchment and quills then told us to write something though my mother did have to translate for me. I'm pretty sure they went to my mother's office.

I started writing about my beaver, I looked up to see that Treize colonies had also started writing too. I wonder what he was writing about.
I shrugged it off and continue writing.

It was pretty peaceful between us until we heard muffled yelling (this is why you don't let Britain and France in the same room). Treize colonies had got up and slowly started walking to my mother's office. He turned to me and did a waving movement, indicating that I should follow him.

I got up, abandoning my writing and started following him. The closer we got to the office the louder the yelling got until we reached the door.
He lean his ear against the door and I did the same using the door knob as support.

We could hear my mom and Royaume-uni yelling at each other. Most of the yelling was in English so I had no idea what they were talking about but there were lot of French profanities. I look over to treize colonies, he had a shocked expression.  I went back to listening and I swore I heard my name get thrown out a few times. Was this conversation about me.

"NOUVELLE-FRANCE RESTE AVEC MOI, SALOPE! (New France stays with me, bitch)"

My jaw dropped, where that planing to take me away? But mother wouldn't let them do that! right?. I million questions ran through my head, I was so last in thought that I didn't realize my hand slipping before it was too late. The door flew open and treize colonies and I fell to the floor.




A/n: sorry for the short chapter. I probably should of told you before that most of the French in this is from Google translate. I thank everyone who is reading this, the song has no thing to do with the chapter I just like it. I hope you have a yeeting day.

Word count:590

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