1/01: News

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[AUTHORS NOTE (March 17, 2022)] An improved version of "Daughter of Deathstroke" is currently in the works. Not only will the writing be much refined, but also the plot and storyline of the series. Basically, you can regard the entirety of what you're about to read as an elaborate 'Arrow' shitpost. Thank you, and you have my sincerest apologies for most of the following content.[ UPDATE: (August 13, 2022)] Ch.1 of the improved version has been published under "daughter of deathstroke-revision 2."

  "STOP! STOP!" A small boy, no younger than seven, grunted in pain as three tall men beat him. "Please, Stop! Please! NOO! I didn't do anything wrong!" he sunk to the floor, gripping his stomach and bracing himself. "You didn't do anything wrong?!You're a monster! You're a bad person! You don't deserve life," One of the three men yelled as the boy cried. "We cannot allow you to live. You'll grow up to be like him. The devil." Another added. "We cannot have another murderer in our midst," The last man yelled while revealing a pocketknife.

  "Leave him be! Just let him go! He's just a kid! Hurt me instead, please," A young girl who was being restrained by two men yelled. She had bruises all over her arms and head, as well as blood which dripped from her abdomen and arms. "You've had your share. Ya wanna suffer more? Shut up already, if you know what's good for you!" The man with the knife said. "This boy is a danger to everyone, you're too stupid to understand. However, our commander has asked us to spare you. Alexander here is a different story."

  The young boy, Alexander, whimpered in fear, "Please, Please! Don't hurt us!" The older men grinned, satisfied at the fear and pain the boy has felt. They started laughing maniacally as the taller man made his way towards him with a pocketknife. "No mercy for Deathstroke's kin." They said in unison. He slowly sliced portions of his skin off, while forcing the girl to watch. The boy screamed in pain for what seemed like hours until the men stopped and started stabbing him instead. Alexander passed out, but still, they continued to destroy and disfigure the boy, only ever stopping to make sure the girl watched.


  Willow shot up, hitting her head on the bunk above her. She rubbed her head while breathing hard. Another nightmare. Of course. She observed her surroundings then climbed out of bed, grabbing her set of clothes and heading for the bathroom. She changed her clothes, brushed her teeth, and put on her shoes before heading to the dining area. There, she grabbed some leftover toast and a bottle of water then ate in silence. 

  "Morning Will." a voice called from behind. "Morning Ms. Rochev," she said without looking back, "What's up?" She heard Ms. Rochev walking towards her, "You're up late," she stated. Willow sighed, "couldn't sleep." "Nightmares again?" the women inquired. Willow hesitated and decided to change the subject, "Any updates?" The women sighed and sat down next to Willow. "Sorry Willow. Nobody's picked up your adoption or foster papers. Hopefully, someone will come and see-" "No. That's not what I meant and you know it," Willow interrupted, "Has he said anything? Do we know his whereabouts?"  

  Isabel knew very well what the young girl had meant. "No. Mr. Wilson hasn't said anything." Willow squinted her eyes and questioned her, "I sense you're holding something back. What is it?" The woman hesitated before replying, "I've discovered that he's in Starling City... We both have something in common. A vendetta. Revenge against a particular someone..." she paused. "And?" Willow urged. "I may leave my job at the orphanage behind to work with him."

  Willow's eyes flashed with hope, which didn't happen often. Isabel cringed in pity. Willow understood her expression. "I'm guessing I'm prohibited from travel...Aren't I correct?" she asked. Isabel nodded sadly. "No worries," Willow started, "I'll find a way. I'll meet my father, even if it means venturing on foot." Ms. Rochev smiled, "I'm sure you'll find a way. You always do. It's your superpower." Willow smiled back and headed to the sports room in the orphanage.

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