1/06: Time's a Virtue

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Recap: "Whatever comes out," Oliver began, "you won't lose us." "Ever." Thea reached out to hold her mother's hand. Moira smiled weakly, "wow... I'll instruct Jean to reject Mr. Donner's offer." Everyone smiled. Moira turned to Willow. "So, what's your name?"

  "So what's your name? Míngzì?" Mr. Nyugen asked the two children as he led them outside. "Willow." "Awexandwer." "Speak properly!" he yelled at the young boy. "Y-yes, sir. My name is Al...exand...er," he said. "Work on it!" the man yelled, "this is where you will be learning. Jiātíng xuéxiào. Wǒ de tàitài, whom you will address as Lǎoshī, will be teaching you. Nǐ huì zhuānzhù! Is that understood?" The two children nodded to avoid being hit again. "Wait here," Mr. Nyugen commanded as he walked into the house.

  Willow hopped out the back of Diggle's car and made her way to her planned scout area. She watched as a group of men walked into the building and began exchanging money. "Here's the fake," a man opened a silver suitcase, revealing two chocolate bars with money wrapping around them. Wow, I guess everybody's gotta have a sense of humor in this age, Willow thought. "Let's see the real," an older man demanded. 

  The first man unzipped a black duffel bag loaded with money. As he lifted the bag to hand it to the older dealer, an explosive arrow went flying in their direction. It landed directly on the bag, which went up in flames. There's the cue! Willow threw a dagger into the closet thug she could find. The Arrow knocked one man down and shot another through his hand, causing him to stick to a stack of wooden shipping platforms behind him. A man who Willow thought was the last dealer made a run for it, so she ran after him. 

  Just before she could throw a knife into his back, some idiot in a red hoodie tackled him to the ground. What the... fuck?!  She stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do."Uhm... Hey, dude," she called as sirens wailed in the distance, "the police are close. Get off that guy and run!" He ignored her. "Alright... It's your funeral," She climbed atop the roof and parkoured across buildings until reaching Verdant. As she climbed down the stairs into the lair, she noticed Diggle's absence.

  "Hey," she greeted. "Hi," Felicity said cheerfully. Oliver glanced in her direction then went back to sharpening his arrows. "Where's Dig?" Willow inquired. "I dunno. Thought he was with you." "Well, are his trackers still online?" "Yep, he's in no trouble. Not from what I can tell." "Ok." Willow walked over to the sink and began cleaning her daggers and knives. Stopping bad guys is cool, but giving them life-threatening bacterial infections isn't- well not according to Oliver, that is. 

  After she finished disinfecting her blades, Willow began an after-patrol workout near the training mats. Not long after, she grew bored of the repetitive exercises and started target practice with a couple of the arrow's practice targets. Half an hour later, she sat down on a spinny chair across from Felicity. Succeeding an eternity of spinning while reading a book, the team's IT expert turned on the news. "The potentially catastrophic risk of turning on this machine far outweighs any scientific gain that might come from it. The people need to understand just how dangerous technology like this is, and the very real possibility of a cataclysmic event," a protester said to a Central City news reporter.

  Just then, the team's black driver waltzed into the Arrow cave. Oliver and Willow spun around. "Where'd you go?" "Is everything okay?" "Yeah," he responded, "just need a few personal days off." "What's going on?" Oliver asked. "Have to help a friend." "Who?" he asked again. Dig was obviously worried for his 'friend.' "Lyla Michaels," he sighed. "It's his spy girlfriend that works for ARGUS," Felicity whispered. "She went to Russia looking for Deadshot... for me. And now she's missing." Diggle added gravely. 

  Oliver nodded in understanding before turning to Felicity. "I think it's time we visited our Queen Consolidated subsidiary in Moscow." "Yeah." Felicity agreed. "Oliver, what are you doing?" Dig asked. Oliver couldn't keep a smile off his face. "Just need to help a friend." "I can't ask you to do that." Dig stated. "You didn't." They both smiled, knowing they held similar conversations in the past, but reverse.

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