1/09: Three Ghosts

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  Willow felt a needle being inserted into a vein. "They're crashing," someone yelled. She felt some sort of fluid being sent into her bloodstream and tilted her head to the side. There stood a man with dark black hair. "Why do you continue to fight, kid?" he asked in a thick Australian accent. "Stay with us guys!" a voice pleaded. She felt someone giving her chest compressions. Why is it so hard to breathe? she thought as she took a closer look at the man. "Have you forgotten me, Willow?" the man asked. She searched her memories and tried to remember who that man was... the orphanage? Australia? criminal? Its... my father. She slipped into unconsciousness.

  "Good afternoon, kid!" a voice called. "How were your classes?" "I love you, kiddo." "Take care of your mother." "Protect your brother." "Punch with your knuckles." "I see you're interested in my swords. Maybe when I get back I'll get you your own." "I'll see you in a month!" "What are you doing you useless girl?" the voice changed. "Stop protecting that idiot brother of yours!" she felt something grabbing her hand. "Wiwow! NO!" "YOU'RE DEAD!"

  Willow jolted up and put the person nearest to her in a headlock. "Woah, calm down!" a voice called from behind her, "let him go!" She turned to see who it was. It was Diggle. She let go of the hold and sprung off a small metal table. "What the hell is going on?!" she asked. "You were injected with a blood clotting pharmaceutical. Uh, you just fought some super-soldier!" Felicity explained. Willow remembered the fight. She heard someone coughing a few feet away from her and turned to see who she hurt. 

  It was Oliver. Crap. "You alright?" she asked. "Yeah, I'm fine," he replied. "Sorry." she cringed. "It's fine." he drank some water.  She turned to her left to see someone who definitely was NOT part of Team Arrow. "Allen?" she asked. "He saved your life." Diggle said. "With Warfarin- rat poison," Barry added. She nodded and calmed her breathing. "Thanks." He nodded. 

  "Wait, what time is it?" Willow asked. "8:15, why?" Felicity replied. "I'm supposed to go to the theatres with Roy and Thea at 9:40," she stated. Oliver nodded, "We'll leave in ten minutes." She began walking towards the restroom when she felt a searing pain in her head and back. "Argh." She fell into Felicity's spinny chair as her head started ringing. "Are you okay?" Oliver asked. "Uh..." she looked back at the table she previously laid on. "Oh, crap." Everyone looked at the table too.

  There was a streak of blood that sat on the middle of the counter. She took off her hoodie and touched her back. She felt blood. Barry and Felicity cringed as she turned around. "I think Imma need stitches for that." 


  After an hour, Willow's wound had been cleaned and bandaged, but she still heard a ringing noise in her ears and had a minor headache. Oliver figured it was probably a concussion. The attacker did have mirakuru in him after all. On the way to the mansion, he noticed Willow staring out the window as if thinking about something. He'd done the same thing plenty of times. "You alright?" he asked. She continued staring out the window. "Hey? Willow?" he tapped her shoulder. 

  "Hm? What's up?" She turned around. "You alright?" Oliver asked again. "Yeah. All good," she answered. "You?" "Yeah..." he remembered seeing his deceased friend Shado right before he passed out. "Weird day, huh?" Willow asked. Oliver nodded. "Definitely." The car pulled into the Queen's garage. The two vigilantes and Digg climbed out of the vehicle and started into the mansion. They rushed into the family room to greet Moira, who was decorating a large Christmas tree.

  "Mom?" Oliver asked worriedly. Moira turned around and smiled, "Thank you for coming home, sweetheart. Hello, Willow!" "Is everything ok?" Oliver asked. "I don't know," she replied, "Your sister has locked herself in her room and she won't talk to me." "...I'll talk to her. Don't worry." Oliver stated. "Thank You." She turned to Willow who was staring wide-eyed at something behind her. "Are you okay, dear?" she asked. "Yeah.." she replied, "Just didn't realize it was Christmas already..." Oliver looked at the Christmas tree behind Moira in realization then looked back at Willow. 

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