1/02: Parents

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  Recap: When she heard a motorcycle and opened her eyes to see a small explosion, she knew she had to help. Before jumping into action, she decided to re-assess the situation. When she looked off the side of the building, she saw Starling city's vigilante, the Hood. He began fighting with a white-haired woman and man with what looked like brass knuckles on steroids. 'Welp now's my chance,' she thought.

Beside them, she could see a deceased man on the floor and a large white truck, which the Hood seemed to be trying to defend. As the hood fought the tiger man and snow woman, the truck suddenly rammed full speed ahead, causing the white-haired woman to drop out of the fight and chase after it. I'm pretty sure of two things right now, Willow thought, A) The Hood could hold his own and B) The snow haired woman is a criminal, so my objective should be to take her out."

  Willow ran along the side of the building and jumped onto the top of the truck. As she did, the white-haired woman, who she would now be calling "snow" made her way to the driver's side of the car. Just before she could drop down and distract the driver, Willow grabbed her attention. "Hey, Shībài zhě,"(loser) she yelled. The woman spun around in fury, then laughed at the sight of Willow. If I were her I'd probably be laughing as well...  imagine bring a criminal in a car chase and turning around to spot a kid? Welp, she won't be laughing soon...

  "What do you want kid?," she asked, amused. "Surely not what you want," Willow replied. "Then tell me child, Huò zǒu kāi,"(or walk away) she demanded. "Okay, sure. I'm gonna fight you, and I'm gonna win." Snow laughed, "Wǒ méiyǒu shíjiān zuò yúchǔn de yóuxì."(I don't have time for stupid games.) She began toward the driver, turning away from Willow and letting her guard down. Whoosh!  A knife flew through the air, stabbing Snow in her side. She fell to the side, gripping the wounded area in pain.

  To Willow's surprise, the woman yanked the knife out and threw it back at Willow's head. She caught the knife and ran towards Snow then slashed the knife at her neck. The older woman blocked it with one hand, using the other to stop her bleeding. Willow took the opportunity to kick her on the back of the head, which Snow was unable to block. The woman fell off the side of the truck, catching and pulling herself back up with a look of fury. Snow charged at Willow with a roundhouse kick which she caught with both hands, then whisked toward her. Snow fell and once again, Willow saw her chance.

  She stabbed her dagger into Snow's neck, then twisted it to create a thick hole. Willow watched as the criminal bleed out until she ceased to move. It was at this moment, however, that an arrow soared at Willow's shoulder. Fortunately, she was aware of the attack which she spun around and caught. She looked up and was shocked to see the Hood standing before her, ready to fire. "Woah. Hold on," she said, "I'm not an enemy. I'm not here to hurt anyone." The Hood turned on a small device, probably a voice modulator, "You killed her. Where'd you learn to do that?"  

  "Uh, I don't know. Accumulated experience," she wasn't sure how to answer. "You're a kid," he stated, "aren't your parents worried? Where are they?" Up until this moment Willow had on a strong and sturdy mask, but hearing this question made it slip slightly. In an instant, she gathered the strength to put it back up. "That's none of your concern," she answered as she started to walk away. The truck came to a sudden halt after the Hood signaled to the driver through the rearview mirror. Willow jumped off the truck, onto the asphalt floor. Sirens wailed in the distance. As each second passed, they grew louder. 

  "Stop!" the hood yelled. Willow began to run off, but the Hood grabbed her arm. She turned around and punched him in the face with lightning speed. He let go of her just as quickly. 

  Willow jolted off into the alley and up a fire escape to elude the pair of vigilantes. His partner, who had already climbed out of the stolen vehicle started to chase after her, but the Hood prevented him.

  After climbing up the railing of the stairs, she ran across countless rooftops until coming across a run-down gym. She took a moment to catch her breath and think for a bit before removing a small piece of technology from her clothes and talking aloud. 

  "I know you bugged my hoodie, so you probably know my exact location. Feel free to drop some Chinese off if you happen to pass by. Oh, also, getting beat up by a 12-year-old probably won't look good on the headlines. 'Starling City vigilante defeated by an army of Girlscouts...' And, uh, I'll be dropping by the Queen mansion around three tomorrow... or is it better to stop at Verdant? I'll do both. See you then."

  Willow took the device and put it into her bag, which she left on a treadmill. She walked around the gym before coming across a pair of padded knuckle gloves and a punching bag. She started attacking the punching bag with a few randomized punches before trying a variety of combinations and kicks. After about thirty minutes, she moved on to a circuit of pushups, pullups, sit-ups, crunches, Russian twists, inverted crunches on a pullup bar, and salmon ladder. Once she finished three a couple of sets and reps, she drank some water and moved on to parkouring around the building. When she finished, she signaled a peace sign at the camera, wondering if 'they' were watching her.

  After eating two energy bars and drinking a bottle of water, she decided it'd be best to get some rest. However, by now it was difficult to do so as it was already day. So instead, she grabbed her bag and hit the road. When she left the gym it was eight in the morning, so Willow had eight hours to call Isabel and arrive at the Queen mansion. After about half an hour of walking, she found a scratched up phone booth. As she stepped in, she noticed a car that she'd seen many times prior during her journey to the mansion drive by. She popped fifty cents into the payphone after closing the door behind her and dialing Rochev's number.

  Isabel had been Willow's only friend at the orphanage. Most kids avoided her. She didn't really mind the fact, as most of the children goofed off too much and everyone left rather quickly. There were few times when foster parents brought kids back and even fewer cases where they weren't taken at all. In fact, there was only one case in which they were never taken, and that case was Willow. As Willow sat in the old orphanage alone day after day, Isabel began to notice that she was different from the other children, more mature, intelligent, and talented. Rochev ended up teaching Russian and financing to Willow during her stay at the orphanarium. 

  Now, Willow stood in the phone booth willing Rochev to pick up the phone. After the first failed call, she tried a second and third time, only to no avail. She walked out, slightly disappointed and continued her journey to the Queen mansion. As she turned a corner she walked up to a familiar car and tapped on the window. The man in the driver's seat rolled the window down. "Don't you have better things to do than following me around? I mean, I already have a tracker in my bag, isn't that enough for the almighty vigilante?" Willow asked sarcastically.

  The driver laughed to himself before replying, "Yeah, he just wanted to make sure your hike was all right." Willow let out a fake smile and jokingly said, "The Hood has a soft spot? Now that's surprising!" They both 'laughed' for a bit before the driver invited her in for a ride. "Name's John Diggle. You can call me Dig," the man said, reaching his hand out. "Willow Wilson, pleasure to meet you," Willow said, firmly shaking his hand.

  On the way to the mansion, the two continued to chat about Diggle's missions in Kandahar and the fight between Snow and Willow. "How were you able to defeat Chen na Wei so easily?" he asked. Oh, so that's Snow's name?  "Eh, I dunno. Just had the benefit of the doubt being a child and all." She answered.

Diggle nodded, "Well, we'll be entering the mansion grounds shortly. We have a cover story by the way. The Queen family, well Oliver, will be fostering a kid from the Glades. As far as anyone besides the three of us know, that's how the story'll go." Willow nodded, "Think they'll buy it? How I see it, the public will just think you want them to pity Ms. Queen. Maybe you do. Either way, though, your help is appreciated." Diggle remained silent as he drove past the gates to the mansion and drove into the garage. Willow jumped out of the car the moment it stopped moving. 

"Welcome to the Queen mansion," Diggle said.

{A/N} Man, does anyone wonder why Isabel didn't pick the phone up? Like yeah, it was an unknown number, but you discussed these plans with Wills. That's pretty messed up.  So how do you think Oliver, Thea, Dig, Raisa, Felicity, and Willow will get along? (*YOUR ANSWER HERE*) Me: ah, interesting. Very good guess. We'll find out soon. This time the chapter had 1,719 words. Cool, but now ✌Your author signing out.


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