1/24: Alex [Book1 Finale]

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Alex was left in that room with the mattresses, lights, and cool coloring books. In all the rush, not even he noticed what was missing. M and M helped prepare trucks and weapons, as did all the other members of the Chaste Base. Everyone was so busy, it was nearly impossible to be sure everything was as it was supposed to be. It wasn't long before everything was loaded and ready to go. Stick went over the plan with everyone else one more time and they took off. 

She struggled against the wind as she flew furiously towards the missile. She'd attempted to teleport directly to it, but the lag time between her being there and the missile moving was too long. She could feel the heat dragging from the explosive and the wind resistance preventing any fast movement. The sound was extremely loud, making her ears hurt now that she could hear the squeak of a mouse from two football fields away. "How long till' it blows?" she asks Dig as she inched towards it. "

  "30 seconds." shit. She flies faster, grasping to even touch the missile. When she does, it's about as hot as fire. She grabs hold of it with both hands and suddenly it begins to descend. As it does, she accidently lets go of it. "Crap!" "15 seconds." She speeds up and grabs hold of the missile again. In an attempt to lessen the heat of the object, she generates ice which almost immediately melts. "Fuck!" "It's gonna blo-" 

  The comms fizz out as she suddenly transports out of range. Her ears scream as the loud band of the explosion throws her hundreds of feet away. Thousands of light scratches and deep wounds hit her all at once, and she could feel her leg on fire. She's unable to control her wings and ends up soaring through the sky and majestically landing on some grouped up cactus. Her vision blacks out for a while and her ears are left ringing like someone's playing flight of the bumblebee on thousands of out of tune kalimbas. There's nothing left to do... Might as well just stay here, she thinks. Suddenly, the heat of the fire intensifies and she decides she's not gonna die like a witch at the stake. 

  She tries to get up, but those cacti got her good. She could feel all the spikes in her back and hands as she pushes herself off the plant. She could picture the hundreds of spikes sticking out of her skin and all throughout her back as if she were some sort of mutated hedgehog. She'd laugh, except she was tired, injured, and still on fire. OH CRAP I'M STILL ON FIRE! 

  She tried to generate some water or ice, but there wasn't much of that in the desert. She instinctively got on the ground and started rolling around on the dirt like a wild hog, the cacti spikes either deepening into her skin or snapping in half. By the time the fire had extinguished, almost her entire leg was charred black and covered in blisters, melted skin, and blood, she was pretty sure she  could see something white in the mix and hoped that it wasn't her bone. Oddly enough, she couldn't really feel much pain coming from the area. 

  She limped around with her numb leg, slightly burned hands, and bloodied body until remembering she had wings. Not her own, but Shou lao's. She sat on the floor, unable to do much else. "Hey," she called, "hey buddy." No response. "Shou lao?" she asked. "You alright in there?" She heard a mumble and nothing else. "FUUUUUUCK!" she yelled. Then she sat there quietly in the desert heat, picking out as many cacti pricks as she could and trying desperately to ignore the ringing sound and thoughts that she might die there. It was fucking hot in the desert! Plus the heat radiating off her her leg and hands... 

Dang I could really use a pool party right about now. 

She heard someone laughing and immediately shot up, expecting to fight whoever owned that evil laugh. You pathetic asshole! They laughed harder, You tried to play hero! Welp, look wherever the fuck that got you! You're sitting here miserably like a retarded bitch who nobody gives a shit about. I think that's exactly what you are, actually. Willow tried to ignored the voice, now recognizing that it was that dipshit in her head, Liangdu. She stood up to go walk around, realizing it was better than having some imaginary psycho curse at her like a school bully. 

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