1/20: Mirakuru Bomb

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  It'd been a week since the fight in the lair. They grew no closer to finding Slade or any of his operations. Willow had packed her weapons and suit and left the arrow cave, so she wasn't part of any of their missions, but did happen to run in to them during a bank robbery. She'd already cleared the place and KO'd the thieves when they got there, so she simply disappeared in a mist of smoke she'd learned to create. She heard that they'd found Roy (who had skipped town and apparently ended up with Slade) and that Thea had refused to sign the agreement to save the Queen's economic resources. 

  Willow stayed at the Queen mansion with Moira and Cassie, while Thea stayed at Roy's deserted house and Oliver stayed elsewhere. The past week had been long and tense, and knowing that the child care services were stopping by soon didn't make it any better. For some odd reason, Willow's counterpart seemed to appear on television more than usual. They might've noticed that she and the Arrow had gone their separate ways, and that the Blade had taken to a more brutal fighting style since. Also on the news was the fact that Moira's mayoral campaign was doing far better than Sebastian's, and more false hope that the SCPD would find Slade Wilson. 

  Right now, Moira had gone out to settle some business with Sebastian Blood so Willow was left at the mansion alone. She strapped on her sword and dagger holsters and set up some dummies around the house. She made up a mini training obstacle course where she would beat up a punching bag, climb up the side of the building, parkour across the walls and fences, drop down the stairway, stab a dummy, feed Cassie, beat up a dummy, pet Cassie, navigate the mansion, pet Cassie some more, practice sneaking around, and doing sword movements. Afterwards, she cleaned up, packed her gear, brought Cassie inside, and messed around for a bit. 

  After about an hour of chasing, training, and playing with Cassie, she got bored and moved on to the piano in the gala room. She had Cassie sit up on the bench with her as she played some tunes. (Stairway to heaven, Jailhouse Rock, Layla, Vicki and Jacky, Ooh Baby baby, time waits for no one, and My way) It wasn't until she was about to start playing Autumn Leaves when she heard a noise. She gently closed the lid over the keys and maneuvered off the bench as Cassie was still sleeping. She grabbed a butterknife from the table behind her and crouched behind the bar area. 

  The footsteps continued in her direction, loud, as if the person wasn't trying to conceal their movements. They walked along until reaching the area of the piano. Willow peered around the corner and saw that the person looked eerily familiar. He sat on the piano bench and petted Cassie. What the?! She stood up and came out of hiding. "Merlyn?" Willow asked. He turned around and stood up. "Willow, I presume?" He asked. "Thomas Merlyn?" she asked again, "Son of Malcolm Merlyn? "In the flesh." he stated casually, "But call me Tommy." Willow grabbed the knife from her side and stayed where she was. She stared, observing him from where he stood.  

  She first concentrated on his facial features, comparing them to the pictures and videos she'd seen of him on the web. Next, his mannerisms and choice of clothing. It all seemed to be Tommy Merlyn. After a minute or two, she began to actually concentrate and focus. That's when everything grew loud all of a sudden. She could hear three loud pulsing noises, all within the room she stood in. She could hear the cars whirring down a distant road. The ticking of the dozens of clocks spread throughout the mansion. Police sirens screeching down the streets. The chatter of thousands of people. The noise attacked her all at once. "Within a revolution comes greater danger to seek. Off leash you are left, except four unfortunate weeks." Willow squinted her eyes, "what?" she asked. The noises around her came to an abrupt halt, with the exception of the three pulsing noises. (Which had grew quieter.)  

  "Within a revolution comes greater danger to seek, Off leash you are left, except four unfortunate weeks." he repeated, "Words from the League." Willow nodded in realization, "Alright, and what else?" She asked. "After your last mission, the rest of your team were ordered to abandon your retrieval mission. And therefore the league would like to congratulate you on your survival," he stated. Willow laughed to herself before replying sarcastically, "Well, looks like they've got a friend in me after all." Tommy practically rolled his eyes. Willow checked the time and took out the bottle of unfinished authentic Australian rum. "Want some?" she asked. He shrugged, "sure."

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