Chapter 1

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"Y/n. It's time to go." They said, as they opened the door to my room. I sat up, and nodded my head. They closed the door, and I landed my feet on the cold, white tiles of my room. The whole room was white, but who ever cared about that? After all, it suits this facility. I'm just surprised they were able to fill this place up with maniacs. Now it was a facility for the mentally deranged.

I dressed up in my assigned clothes, which were {insert choice of clothing} . Today was the day. I fixed my hair, and went out of my room. The hallways were just as white as my room, and it was filled with guards guarding every door, which held people who could have gotten the same opportunity I have now. It was cold. But, I couldn't care about that. I was about to get out of this hellhole.

My guard accompanied me, as we went towards The Lake. The Lake was notorious for holding the everyone's wish. It was what everyone dreamt of. And I was the one who reached that dream. The guards shoe heels clacked on the floor, and before I knew it, many of these freaks came out of their rooms, congratulating me on my success. And all I would give them, was a sweet thanks that came out of my mouth. Tch.

Plastics. Talking about plastics, I saw her. "Good luck out there, Y/n." She said, as she put a poker face on. The woman didn't even try putting a bit of emotion on her face. "Reina." I said, pausing."Thanks." I said plainly, and left her behind with the other freaks. From a look on a doorknob, I could tell she was glaring at me when I finally turned my back on her. I chuckled, and looked forward.

After those few events, we finally reached the door to The Lake. The guards pushed it open for me, and I walked into the room, alone. "Is this our champion?" An old man said from above. "Will we finally get our revenge?" I shrugged. "Let's see." I said, as I smirked. The old man smiled at me, and signalled the people to open The Lake. Loud noises sounded from the lake, as the two steel covers uncovered the lake, revealing a beautiful shade of blue. I took a deep breath, and slowly entered the lake. Time to do what I practiced so endlessly last night.

I entered the other world, and started endlessly flailing my hands around, and constantly opening my mouth, gasping for air. I tried to gather as much attention as much as I can. And of course, I did it.

"What the!?" That voice made me smirk. It was Germany. I kept the act, as he swam into the lake to save me. He quickly pulled me into dry land, and I catched my breath, coughing up a bit of water. "What the hell were you doing in there!?" He said as he turned his head to me, while he catched his breath. Once he laid his eyes on me, he was shocked. "Wh-How did you get here.." He mumbled to himself in shock.

"I-I just, I..don't know." I said, catching my breath. "We need to take this to Britain." He said as he pulled me up, and wrapped me into a towel he found in his car. "Th-Thank you.." I said, as he also wrapped himself in one. He and I went inside the German's car. The car started, and he was rushing to get to Britain. I laid my  back on the soft, leather seat of the car, while I looked down. I had to keep up the act, after all. "Hey, uh.." I said, as I slowly leaned forward. "What?" Germany said coldly. I slightly leaned back from surprise. "Well? Speak up!" He continued.

I slowly shook my head. "Nevermind." I said sadly. What the heck? Is there a problem with this dude? Even this place is filled with maniacs. He snickered, and went even faster before, which of course, lead us to arriving at Britain's place earlier. Germany got out of the car, and before I opened the door on my right, Germany opened it for me. I smiled, and went out. "Thank you." I said as I slightly bowed. He smiled, and we went towards the front door. Is Germany bipolar or something? He just snickered at me, and now he's acting like a gentleman? Hah. Class act.

Britain's house looked like a mansion, actually. It looked pretty, vintage. There are a few flowers in front of the house, but they don't look healthy. I tightened my grip on the towel, and sometime later, someone opened the door. It was America. So, the infamous bad boy, huh? "Ah, Germs!" He said, as he opened his arms, signalling a hug. He neared the country, but Germany pushed him away. "Don't call me that." Germany stated, as he rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say, I guess." America said, as he placed his hands on his pockets. "And who's this chi-" He said, as he looked at me. Which of course, lead him to being as shocked as Germany.

I smiled awkwardly. "Hi!" I said happily, quirkily waving my hand. "Uh.." The American stayed silent. "I'm Y/n!" I continued. The next thing I knew, I was being lead to Britain. He was looking at a portrait of sorts, obviously looking like he had something on his mind. He was sitting on a loveseat, near the chimney fire. I didn't look at the picture. I just stood there, waiting for someone to speak up. "Dad!" America said, snapping him back to reality. "Son! You scared the bloody hell out of me!"

America sighed, gesturing him to look at me. I just kept my awkward smile on. "Oh, it's.." The British man said, trying to finish his sentence. "A human, dad!" America said, finishing it for him. "Um, okay." He said in a panic. "She should stay with you then." Britain said, fixing himself. America glared at him. "Germany found her, so shouldn't he be the one keeping her!?" He said in shock and anger, emphasizing, her. "Germany will be busy trying to get her back to where she belongs."

Britain said calmly, but he was glaring at his own son. America looked away, sighing. "Fine." He mumbled to himself. He obviously didn't like that idea, but we went there anyways. "There is one rule you have to follow when you're gonna live with me." He said in an obnoxious manner. I kept my smile anyways, and nodded my head in an attentive manner. "What is that?" I said, tilting my head as I looked at him. "Don't be annoying." I nodded my head, and everything was silent. Silence just filled the whole car ride. This guy was pretty obnoxious. I chuckled, knowing what I want to do now.

Eventually, we reached his house, which was not as extravagant as Britain's, unsurprisingly. I quietly went out of the car at the same time with America. And as soon as he opened the door, he just escorted me to my room, and nothing. But, hey, at least I had some decent clothes in my wardrobe now. I took off my previous clothes, and dressed up in something else. I smiled, and looked at myself in the mirror for how long now. After a while, I eventually realized what I wanted to do. "Ah, right! I should kill America now!"


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