0.6 - YouTube

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Well it was bound to happen eventually. After several months of Michael being single, it had come to an end. At least that's what Luke and the media think.

'Michael Clifford spotted out to dinner... with another girl?!' the article read. It talked about how Michael had been out with 2 girls recently, Abigail and another named Chrissy. Not at the same time, of course. Maybe. But it still broke Luke's stupid, corrupted heart.

When Michael tweeted Luke saying "love you too", it had changed Luke's world. Literally. He felt as if he was known now. But he wasn't. Because miles away, Michael was sat on his tourbus playing a game of Go Fish with Calum, not even thinking twice about Luke. And though Luke didn't know exactly that, it hurt. It hurt Luke so much, because he knew that he wasn't on Michael's mind at all, where as Michael was always on Luke's.

When did this happen? Why did this happen? Luke never asked for this, he didn't want to fall in love with Michael. It just kind of happened. And they say things happen for a reason, but that's not true. Everything that happens to you is based on your choices and your decisions, not on luck and fate; we make our own luck in this world.

Luke groaned, he was lying on his bed, and placed his phone on his chest, since it was pretty flat. Because, you know, he's a boy. Not that boys are always flat. The ones that aren't... are weird. Not that Luke was a bad person and judged people, it just simply was weird. Anyone would agree that man-boobs are very weird. Hell, even those with man-boobs probably want to shoot themselves. How did this go from Michael to man-boobs? Luke shook his head at his own thoughts and sat up, his phone falling down to his lap. He unlocked his phone, going through his recent text messages. All of them were pretty much from relatives, Ashton, or Jai. He wasn't very close to the other twin brother. They just never connected, I guess?

Sometime Luke wished he had more friends, or at least more people to talk to. It was stupid to give up your social life for a celebrity. Maybe if Luke hadn't stopped talking to all his friends and hadn't pulled himself out of the real world, he wouldn't be so hung up on Michael. Michael was bad for Luke. Luke knew that. But he didn't care. He didn't care that his heart would be repeatedly broken piece by piece by piece. Celebrities don't just fall in love with fans, with normal people. Everyone knew that, it was common sense. Yet Luke was still utterly in love with a celebrity, that he's never even gave anyone else a second glance.

Suddenly an idea popped into Luke's head. He may be a normal person, but not for long. He'll be a normal person with a youtube account.

That way people would get to know him more, and maybe if he finally becomes more recognised Luke won't be just another nobody in the crowd, Michael would really notice him. Because he is sick of not being noticed and not being a part of Michael's life, he is going to change that. He has a decent amount of followers on his twitter account, probably because he's a boy-fan of M&C. But whatever, at least he'll have a good start.

Luke called up Ashton and asked if he could borrow his laptop, seeing as he didn't own one. Ashton agreed, telling Luke he'd stop by in 10 minutes. Luke didn't need to say any more, because Ashton was technically family, he could just walk in whenever he pleased. Perks of having someone over so often.

When Ashton arrived, Luke grabbed the laptop out of his best friend's hands and immediately walked over to his desk, opening it and pressing the power button. He waited for it to load user-profiles, clicking his when it loaded. Because yes, Luke had a profile on Ashton's computer. Ashton didn't have the password, of course. He didn't want it anyway.

Luke opened google chrome, typing in the YouTube url.

"What're you doing?" Ashton asked, sitting on Luke's bed and scrolling through his own phone.

"Making a YouTube account." Luke replied casually, like people always do it, and Ashton raised his eyebrows up in amusement, even though Luke couldn't see him.


"Just, 'cause." Luke was too shy to admit why, not because he felt like Ashton would make fun of him, but just because it was silly.

"Oh. Okay," Ashton stood up and walked over to Luke, placing his hand on Luke's shoulder and leaning down to see what Luke was doing, squinting his eyes slightly.

"What should my username be?" Luke whispered to himself, partly to Ashton. The two sat in a silence trying to think of a username for Luke. Neither of them could think of one, until Ashton suddenly came up with something.

"Oh! I've got it: The Hemmo." He stared up at the air and put both of his hands up in dramatic effect, as if he were reading the name out loud from a large sign hanging up, like it were on a billboard or on top of a movie theatre, even though it may not even be a very popular name.

Luke crinkled his nose and shook his head. "No, that's too... cocky in a way?" He looked up at Ashton, which Ashton returned with a confused expression.

"How?" He asked in disbelief, laughing loudly at the somehow funny joke. Odd boy, finding odd things funny. Odd, odd, odd.

"It just- I don't know!" Luke exclaimed. "How about... HeyItsHemmo?"

Ashton began to laugh again, louder this time, and questioned Luke's idea. "HeyItsHemmo? Really?" He shook his head, chuckling. "No. That's weird."

"Fine." He huffed, sinking into the desk chair. "How about Hemmo1996?"

Ashton pursed his lips together in concentration, thinking about it. A few seconds later he began to speak again. "Yeah," he nodded. "Yeah, okay."

Luke types it in then clicked on sign up and waited for the page to load. Once loaded, he quickly went to his Twitter account and saved his icon to a file (the icon was of him smiling, wearing a black t-shirt and a baby blue beanie) and he uploaded it as his profile picture on the YouTube account. He smiled and copied the link for his channel, going to the Twitter tab and pasting into the compose a tweet section. He added a few simple words, asking people if they could check out his channel. Then in a separate tweet, he wrote: "I just thought maybe I should try this youtube thingy ,also some of u think im fake so theres proof im a dude :)"

He heard Ashton snort behind him and he turned around to look at him with a raised eyebrow. "What?" Ashton asked, a smile on his face.

Luke shook his head. "Nothing."

Soon enough, Luke had a couple subscribers, making him smile. 103 is a good start, right? I mean it's only been about 10 minutes, so that's good. Even though he has over twenty thousand followers on Twitter, his subscriber count could be worse.

"What kind of videos are you going to make?" Ashton suddenly asked, and Luke facepalmed.

"Fuck. I don't know." Ashton started laughing with one of his many laughs, shaking his head at Luke. Seriously, does Ashton ever stop laughing?

"I never thought of that..." Luke began to chew lightly on his index finger knuckle, thinking to himself. What kind of videos will he make? Surely not gaming. Definitely not dare videos, he's horrible at dares. Maybe vlogs?

"What about covers? Like, musical covers?" Ashton suggested, looking at Luke. A grin broke out on Luke's face and he nodded quickly, writing in another tweet, asking for suggestions of a song he could cover for his first video. 'preferably good for acoustic guitar' he made sure to add at the end.

And this was it. Luke was going to get Michael's full attention, even if it took forever. Because good things come to those who wait, Luke thought. And I'd wait forever for Michael fucking Clifford.

[DISCONTINUED] In The Crowd (Muke)Where stories live. Discover now