0.9 - Diagnosed

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Another cold day, another early morning. Tuesday's are always... boring. Monday's are tiring. And oddly enough, for Luke Friday's are tiring as well. Maybe it's because he has a limited number of friends. But they tired him. Hype is tiring. He doesn't really like believing the hype, whether it be for the weekend or a party or a new video game coming out. Because if you believe the hype, then you'll be let down if it's nothing like you expected. That is why Luke swore to himself that when he gets the concert (and possibly meet and greet) tickets, he won't get too hyped up. He will allow himself to be excited, but not too much. Because lately he's been letting himself down a bit too much. For example: Michael hasn't DM'd him back. It was upsetting.

Marisela hadn't been at the busstop when Luke arrived, so he assumed she wouldn't be at school today. Luke sighed, partly upset that he wouldn't see her today, and partly upset because he'd be alone. Again. Although they've only known eachother for not even a full day, he felt a form of comfort near her. Maybe because she was one of the sweetest people he's ever meet, or because she didn't think Luke was weird after he had that huge episode last night while she and Ashton were at his place. Either way, he felt comfortable around her and that's what mattered.

Luke's eyes looked dull and almost lifeless looking as they stared out the window at nothing in particular. He felt a sudden wave of sadness course through his body, and it felt like a weight was put onto his shoulders, making him frown. Lately he's been feeling more tired than usual, which he thought nothing of. But the people around him (that actually cared for him) have noticed. Just by looking into those blue eyes of his you would be able to see a sadness resting in them. Eyes are the window to the soul. You could see the way a person was feeling just by looking into them. Eyes were never able to lie, and perhaps that was a good thing. But sometimes a person could focus on trying to be happy, that their body would eventually think that they were happy, and show no signs of any other emotion at all. And that bothers Luke. How would he know if someone close to him was sad? Simple: he wouldn't. Luke stuffed his earphones into his ear, letting a song by Billy Talent calm him down, letting it take his thoughts somewhere else. Somewhere where they would not be such a bother.

After another long ten minutes, five minutes later than usual, he was at school and feeling more tired than ever. He dragged his feet to his locker, feeling weak. Once he made it to his locker, he lifted his hand up to turn the dial on the lock, spinning it back and forth to the sequence that would unlock it. He tugged at the lock, and pulled if off of the locker door so he could open it and grab his books. Just as the locker door opened, the bell rang and the sea of students began to empty and he groaned, rushing himself to grab the books he needed for english, and his binder. His chest was rising and falling heavily, he didn't notice it of course, too focused on trying to get to class, and started to walk down the hall, too tired to even rush. Should've went to bed earlier last night, He thought to himself, noticing the hallway now empty of any students or supervisors.

Suddenly, his vision began to blur and he could see stars. He rapidly blinked his eyes.

Open, close, open, close, open, close.

It wasn't helping. Just as he made a turn right down the corridor, he felt his knees buckle and he felt himself drop to the carpeted ground, and in his mind it felt slow, like he was in a movie. He dropped everything next to him and his breathing got even heavier. He was on his hands and knees, heart beating fast, gasping for breath. He didn't know what was happening to him, he's never experienced this before. Hundreds of questions raced through his mind.

Am I dying? Why can't I breathe? What is happening to me? Where is everyone, why isn't anyone coming to help me?

"Help," he choked out between shaky breaths, loud enough for at least a couple of people to hear. "Someone... help." His vision began to disappear, everything around him going dark. The last thing he heard was the sounds of several people rushing out of the nearest classroom, and the gasps from a couple of people once they saw Luke lying on his side wish his eyes slowly drooping closed.

[DISCONTINUED] In The Crowd (Muke)Where stories live. Discover now