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Rain's POV

(Earlier on the same day)

The bell rang signaling the end of eighth period and I couldn't wait to leave.

Being next to Isaac in pure silence is enough to make me cry. I know he needs his space but it's so hard not being able to talk to him.

That might make me sound selfish but so be it, I need my best friend.

I shove my notebook, pencil case, and binder into the largest part of my backpack. I stand and head to my locker. Since, everyone normally meets there I need to be quick and go home soon.

I have to respect Isaac even if it means isolating myself from the group. It's the least I could do.

Speed walking to the third floor, I spot Greg. Greg from Jewel. He gives me a bit of a smile before continuing on his way.

As I arrived at my locker, I hurriedly twisted the lock before messing up the combination thrice. Normally, I only mess up the combination when I'm anxious.

I don't physically feel anxious, it could just be my mind pulling tricks on me. That's normally the case when it comes to my anxiety.

I pull out my agenda and ruffle through the ones until I get to today's date. Thank God I actually write down my homework, I would be so lost if I didn't.

I grab my gym clothes and put them on the top shelf of my locker. I put my chemistry folder on the bottom of my locker. Then, I grab my coat and run down the staircase and walk to the bus stop.

I have never had to avoid friends before but if this will help Isaac through his healing process then I guess I have to. But it's not fair, because I didn't do anything wrong.

I was just being myself and somehow he began to like me. Crazy how my life went from thinking that I would be forever alone to having two boys like me. Two, not one but two.

This is actually insane.

I maneuver through the crowd so that I am on the curb. Hopefully the bus driver will actually stop at the actual bus stop and not a random pole 15 feet away. They always like to mess with us when it comes to that.

Taking the bus requires so much brain power. Thinking about where the bus is going to stop, if the bus stop is crowded or not. How close to stand on the curb without getting hit by the rear view mirror.

Luckily this bus driver actually stopped near the bus stop. An elderly woman was coming off so everyone stepped back half a centimeter. As soon as she moved it was go time.

This wasn't my first rodeo so I became one with the herd and let the people behind me push me onto the bus. With a quick tap of my ventra I spotted a seat near the back.


Swinging my bag to my front, I slid into the seat. My fingers run to untangle my headphones, and smother myself in good tunes and good vibes.

Zoned out and half asleep I almost forgot to pull the thingy so I could get off. I stood up and scooted past the person next to me and got off.

This has to be the first time all school year that I've come home alone. This feels so weird. No goodbyes or waves or laughs or hugs or smiles.

At least I'm doing my part. I'm helping his healing process by distancing myself. But why should I get to miss out on quality time with my friends just cause it's hard for him to be near me. There should be a way for us to compromise on this. There has to be a way.

The key ring is stuck on the zipper of my right coat pocket. Yanking it off results in some ripped thread, but it's whatever. It's not noticeable.

The door is unlocked and closed quietly behind me. I kick off my shoes and throw my backpack on the floor of the living room.

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