23- Come to an unstable state

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"Hmm?.... ya... I know, he will be worth a lot. Just like the rest"

Felix heard voices, as he slowly began to open his eyes.

What... what happened ?

He blinked a few times before his vision centered, finally taking in his surrounds.

W-where am I..??

He looked around to see he was in a large cage with other hybrids around as they were in some large warehouse.

Most the other hybrids were knocked out, he looked to see only one of them conscious.

He tried getting up, only to realize his hands and feet were tied. As well as a metal chain and leash tied around his neck, attached to the cage. The more he shifted around, the more the metal collar dug into his neck as it squeezed against the choker that he was already wearing.

Panic started to set in as he began to cry and meow.

"Help... what's happening??!"

The hybrid sitting across from him lifted his head slowly.

"It won't work... no one will hear you..."

"W-what? Why?? Where are we....?"

That's when the other hybrid opened his eyes to look at him.

"Y-your... eye..?" Felix whispered.

The other hybrid had a different eye just like Felix, his was green however.

"Ya... that's why they want us...."

"Who? What? Who are "they"??"

That's when Felix heard footsteps close to the cage turning his head around.

"Hello my pretty kitty"

"S-Suho...? What..."

"Don't worry kitty, I'll take good care of you for now"
He smirked as he came to the front of the cage.

"Did you bring me here...? Why?!!"

Suho leaned onto the cage.

"Oh sweet kitty, as soon as I saw you I knew I had to have you. To sell you off, that is" he smiled.


"That's right, you and the rest of this batch of hybrids with fucked up eyes sell really well to fancy politicians. They always want to own rare beauties like you, to hunt for sport that is" he laughed.

"W-what... no... why are you doing this?!"

Suho slammed his hand onto the cage.

"Why the fuck not? I get most the profit, and my boss gives me benefits of this side job. Sorry kitty, delivery job pay doesn't cut it for me" he smirked.

Felix was in tears as he heard another figure appear.

"Oh he's awake? Hey there little kitty, you're gonna be our best seller. Haven't had a blue eyed one before" he smirked.

Felix sniffled as he looked down, crying Chan's name.


"Oh is that your owner? Don't worry, he won't be able to find you anyways. That metal collar blocks any tracking device he had in your choker. So you're stuck with us for now little kitty" he smiled before walking off, taking Suho with him.

"Behave while we're gone, or the boss won't be happy" Suho said with an evil smile.

Felix continued to cry.

T-this can't be happening.... Chan...


"Kitten, I'm back!" Chan yelled as he came through the door, only to be met with silence.

"Kitten?" He walked into the living room, only seeing the tv on.

"That's odd...." he walked to his study, still no sign of Felix.

"Kitten? Where are you?" He yelled through the place. He speed walked into their bedroom, still seeing no sign of him.

"Felix? Where are you?" He began to panic as he ran to his closet. The hybrid wasn't in there either.

He ran to the bathroom, still no sign of him.

That's when panic and worry began to set in as his breathing became uneven.

"Felix!" He yelled as walked back into the living room. He looked around, then down as he noticed Felix left his phone charged.

Calm down Chan...
He wouldn't have run away...
No... he wouldn't have...

He began to pace back and forth as he spoke to himself.

"Maybe he wanted to go for a walk...? But he knows not to go outside without me..." Chan ran out, locking the door behind him as he made his way to the Lift (elevators ). He pressed the first floor button as he leaned back against the wall, hand gripping the railing so tight he didn't notice.

Where is he...?
I thought he was happy....?

Once he reached the floor, he sprinted out towards the entrance. He looked around, both sides of the side walk as he yelled for the younger again.

"Felix! Kitten... where are you?!" He frantically began to run up the street, bumping into a few people along the way.

Chan kept running, running before he realized he ran around the perimeter twice yelling and looking for Felix. Now he was on the verge of tears as he was having no luck finding him.

"Felix... baby... please.... where are you?" He stopped to catch his breath, trying to speak in between sniffles.
After he realized he had been outside practically an hour, he gave up making his way back inside to go back to his place.

Once he got back to his floor, he slammed the door in frustration. Walking in, he threw his keys on the counter, not caring that they fell.

He went to sit on the couch, exactly where he had left Felix. Chan was beyond worried at this point, he had no clue where Felix was. He dropped his face in his hands, almost on the verge of pulling his hair out.

Felix... I thought you said you would never leave me...

Fun fact: One time, I was eating in a restaurant with my mum. But like 2 hours before I got front seat tickets to see got7 on tour and so I kept crying. So the waitress came right when I yelled " FUCKIN MARK" as she was like, " um... would you like a drink MAAM?" 😂😭🗿

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