32- I need you right by my side now

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"Hello, Kim Seungmin?"

"Yes, that's me!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Dr.Bang" Chan walked in as he pulled Felix with him.

" And this right here it my Hybrid Felix " he gestured to the younger as he pulled him forward.

"Hi Felix! Nice to meet you! I like your tail!" He smiled.

Felix giggled and meowed.

"H-Hi... it's nice to meet you too" he said shyly.

Chan smiled as he was happy Felix felt comfortable with the stranger.

"Kitten, why don't you sit here" Chan motioned to the chair next to him.

Felix nodded as he sat down, intrigued to hear Chan speak with his patient.

Chan sat on a rolling stool in front of Seungmin.

"So Seungmin, you say you are having vision problems?"

"Yes, I keep having to squint to see to read. I'm fine right now, or driving. But anytime I need to read, it's difficult"

"I see, please come with me so we can test your eyes"

"Ok, sure"

Chan stood up as he allowed Seungmin open the door and walk out in front of him.

Chan stopped to talk to Felix before following Seungmin.

"Baby, I'll be back in a bit ok? Stay right here" he said softly to the younger.

"Ok Channie!"

Felix did as told, sitting and waiting. He got bored once 5 minutes passed, then 15 minutes passed, eventually after 20 minutes his ear perked up as he saw Chan and Seungmin walk back in.

"Channie!" He meowed.

"I'm back Kitten, did you behave?" He joked as he closed the door behind him while Seungmin sat back in his chair.

"Yes Channie!"

"Good kitty"

Chan not realizing Seungmin was there listening to them.

"Sorry..." he cleared his throat to direct his attention to him.

"It's ok, you two are really cute!" Seungmin giggled.

"Thank you...." Chan blushed.

He cleared his throat before trying to change the subject.

"So Seungmin, it looks like your vision it fine, but you do need prescribed reading glasses. I will write that up, and when they are ready you can pick them up here. Sound good?" Chan said as he started to write notes on Seungmin's chart.

"Cool, thanks!"  He jumped up from his chair.

"Take this to the receptionist and they will check you out" Chan smiled as he handed his chart to Seungmin.

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