Memory 3

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"Can you walk slower?" San pleaded to Zen who's now walking with a speed of light speed.

"Can you have a look at your watch? We're already an hour late!" Zen responded, though in reality, he doesn't care about getting late.

"I don't have a watch or anything to look at, and will you please be nice to me?!"

"I'm already nice to you." Plainly, Zen said in a plain voice.

"Oh, really? Ha~Ha."

"Fck off."

The two continued shouting at each other until they reached the elevator doors until those metal doors closed after they entered, after the third time those doors opened and closed, revealing students who got scared of the two.

They didn't stop giving insults to each other until the light that represents their floor number finally dimmed out. Their yelling continued through the hallways that they passed, outlined by the doors leading to different classes.

On one corner, a student who was carrying loads of books hit Zen which made the books fall, but instead of helping the sorry student, Zen smack the student's head hard that the student grunted in pain, tears undeniably on the verge of flowing.

Only when San approached the student did he know that it was a girl. "Oh my. I'm sorry. I'll avenge you. Don't you worry." San apologized then helped the girl collect the books.

Out of the corner of his eye, San caught Zen staring at them, he started to shout at Zen again with insults including how stone-hearted he is for hurting a girl.

They just met, but their acquaintance got less and less exciting until Zen opened their classroom door.

The teacher, a man in red with gray hairs wearing reading glasses, who a minute ago was intently discussing to the class, abruptly cut his speech in midsentence.

Zen and San just pushed their way inside without asking for permission. The whole class became statue-still, all eyes on the two newcomers. The two got to their classroom with the teacher already discussing the school activities for the whole term.

The room wasn't that big. It holds 25 seats and desks arranged orderly.

"Do you belong to this class?" The teacher adjusted his glasses to take a better look at the two.

Zen just stared at the teacher, so San thought that he's the one responsible for answering him.

"Y-Yes sir. We're so sorry for being late. Right Zen?" San asked for support.

"Not really." Just by that, Zen proceeded to the seat in the middle of the back seats.

San didn't want to sit next to Zen so he took the seat in front, by then Zen announced, "Hey you dirty mouse! If you still want to live 'til tomorrow, come sit here." Zen was mentioning about the seat to his left.

"What?! Don't I have any right to choose my seat?"

"You have, so does my bag."

San then realized that he was still holding Zen's bag.

"You two, if you want to fight, go and get out. And where are your enrolment forms?"

San remembered that his was still with Zen so he stood and walked towards Zen. Dropped Zen's bag on his desk and drew his hand in front of Zen.

"What?" Zen shouted irritably.

"Give me my enrolment form already."

"Who told you that you can have it that fast?"

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