Chapter 1.

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Before I start the story I just want to warn you guys a little.

I will have music added in the chapters becuase I like to listen to music as I read and I know some of my readers are the same.

The songs will not always go with the story since I just add any son that I'm listening to as I write this or when I add the song.

Second warning ...

This might be a little YukioxRin but I'm not sure if i'll make a big deal out of it or I'll keep it a settle relationship.

Sorry for those who dont like Yukioxrin but its just something I'm gonna try, I will make sure to keep it sweet and not smutty.

I repeat, this will not have smut in nor will it be a sexy type of relationship. 

Sixteen years ago a women known as Yuri Egin gave birth to twin boys known as Rin and Yukio Okumura. But her sons were not just any sons since their father was Satan himself. 

Yuri gave life to Satan sons and soon died not long after she was found by an old friend called Shiro Fujimoto who took in the twins like they were his own sons, with the help of a demon called Mephisto. 

Shiro was a priest but he was also an exorcist who wished to keep the twins living a simple human life, hiding their true power from but Satan had other plans. He knew his sons would be in danger since the exorcist council wouldnt let such power live. So as the twins turned six he took his own sons to Gehenna. Shiro of course didnt agree and went to stop Satan but soon killed by his friend lover. 

Satan brought his sons up in Gehenna and well they got use to the demon world and slightly forgot the human world. But while they grew close, the twins were still slightly different. 

Rin the oldest twin was short tempered and showed his Satan power clearly. He was average height with dark blue hair and light blue eyes. Sharp teeth and pointy ears with a long black tail. His weapon of choice was a sword that shiro gave him when he had a feeling Satan might come for the twins. 

Yukio the youngest twin was smart and kept his cool but he could fight and use his power when he did lose his cool making others fear him when he does snap. He has brown hair with light blue eyes and two moles under his left eye. He had sharp teeth and pointy ears like his brother but he most used his human form making him have simple human ears and leaving him with just slightly pointy teeth. His choice of weapon was twin guns that he stole from shiro when he was five noticing their 'dad' never used them and just kept them locked up but they seemed beautiful in yukio eyes and he had to have them. 

The twins were special and could change between their human and demon forms with ease. 

But as the twins were fifteen Mephisto came and took a visit to the twins instead of Satan himself. He offered the twins a place in true cross academy and even give them place to join his exorcist class. A chance to live a slightly normal human life while also being demons. A chance to be free from Gehenna and explore the world a little. 

Yukio seemed slightly excited at the idea and almost agreed straight away before turning to his unsure twin. Rin thought it might be fun but he knew humans wouldnt be as nice towards Satan sons but then by the look in Yukio eyes he knew his younger twin also knew the same. But the older twin also enjoyed how he could just fight with other demons and mess around while at the academy he would need to behave. 

Mephisto notice Yukio would agree to stay in Gehenna to keep his elder brother happy and stepped in before either twin could speak. He offered them a year trial and if they didnt enjoy the human world then they can come straight back. They would be given their own dorm room so they could be in their demon forms inside without worry and just need to do the exorcist classes instead of the normal class's if they so wished. The twins agreed and a date was planned for them to arrive at true cost academy. 

The twins were now sixteen and tonight they took their first steps back into the human world as simple students. 

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