Chapter 11.

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Nagatomo Kyodo Maruta Izumi

"Hey Rin, look at dad pile" Yukio muttered as he held a child size rank and elbowed his older twin towards the pile.

"How did the old man gain all that .. he cheating" Rin gawked as he looked to the pile.

"He must be, I know he old but we younger and their two of us .. why aren't we winning" Yukio mumbled slightly jealous over the other priests piles, even Nagatomo, Kyodo, Maruta and Izumi piles were bigger then their shared one. 

"I have a plan" Rin grinned as he looked to his twin.

"We can't let them beat us, Ice cream at state" Yukio replied ready to follow his brother plan.

"DAD" Yukio cried out making the man come running over.

"Everything ok, Yukio" Shiro asked with worry as he picked his crying son up.

"An ant tried biting me" Yukio lied with fake tears, keeping his dad attention on him.

"Oh my, don't worry it won't harm you now" Shiro promised and ruffled Yukio hair.

"Hey dad, look what I found" Rin grinned as he came running over, grabbing Shiro free arm and pulling on it.

"What did you find, Rin" Shiro asked with a kind smile, thankful Yukio was no longer crying.

"A dead bird .. wanna see" Rin replied with a bright smile.

"Oh no, a dead b-bird how horrible" Yukio frowned as he started to tear up again.

"Oh don't cry, I'll go clean it up and help bury it .. Rin look after Yukio for me" Shiro smiled and placed Yukio down beside Rin.

"Its by the gate" Rin lied as he pointed and Shiro nodded before walking off.

"Best Actor Ever" Rin smirked as he hugged his brother.

"Come on, He'll be back once he doesn't see a dead bird .. we need to hurry" Yukio whispered back and pulled Rin along by his arm towards their dad leaf pile as the other four priests were distracted with ranking their own piles. 

Two Minutes Later ...

"Now, what happened to the piles of leafs left here .. they scatted all over" Shiro asked with a small grin and his hands on his hips as he looked to the leafs from the pile he just completed spread all over the place.

"Rarr" Rin and Yukio growled as they both jumped on Shiro back without warning, leafs on their coats and hair showing they were the troublesome two who jumped in the pile.

"Oh no, they got me" Shiro yelled out like a dying man before wobbling towards the second piles of leafs and falling forward.

"Abounded Dad" Rin called out as he grabbed Yukio arm before getting ready to jump of before they land in the leafs.

"Mission fail" Yukio cried out as Shiro grabbed both of them keeping them stuck to his back as he landed in the leafs, the twins laugh echoing the front of the church along with Nagatomo, Kyodo, Maruta and Izumi chuckles as they watched.

"Got you both" Shiro grinned before spinning the twins to the ground and tickling them both with a single hand each, the twins laughing bursting out even more as they wiggled to try and get free without much hope. 

"Old Man" Rin yelled between full of laughter as joyful tears started to feel his eyes.

"Help us please" Yukio begged with teary puppy eyes as he looked to the other priests who stood standing with rakes in their hands. 

"LEAF WAR"  Kyodo screamed out as he picked up a scattered pile and threw them at Nagatomo.

"Its on" Nagatomo grimed as he threw some leafs back.

"NO PRISONERS" Izumi smirked as he dropped a small handful of leafs over Shiro giving the twins a cheeky wink to help them get free.

"Why you" Shiro snapped with a goofy grin as he ran after the twins.

"We can't let him gain all the points" Maruta smiled and soon all five priests were chasing after the two four year old twins with a handful of leafs in their hands.

"It was good serving with you" Rin called back to Yukio, squeaking his brother hand he held.

"It was an honour sir" Yukio yelled back as he squeaked his brother hand back in reply. 

"Boo" Shiro smirked as he scoped the twins up into the air, a arm around each of their wastes before the other four threw their leafs at the three with bright smiles. 

"No fair" Rin hugged back, a smile still on his lips.

"Rematch" Yukio ordered as he picked up some of the leafs from Rin hair before shoving them into Shiro face making the older man drop the two.

"FREEDOM" Rin and Yukio screamed before running to grab more leafs to use as ammo as the others just laughed watching the two get ready to try and beat four adults with just the two of them.  

An Hour Later ...

"So, how did they end up getting ice creams but not us" Nagatomo asked as he glanced down to the end of the dinner room where Rin and Yukio sat happily eating their bowl of ice cream, their legs swinging over the chair edge.

"Because they were smart enough to destroy our leaf piles in the leaf pile while keeping theirs a safe distance away from the fight" Maruta answered slightly proud of the twins plan. 

"They knew how to play us right into their own little hands, Its impressive but I hope they do know that means we all gonna how to have a bath tonight" Izumi grinned as he crossed his arms glancing down the end that held the twins.

"YAY BUBBLE BATH" Rin and Yukio cheered and high fived each other in pure joy.

"We really did get played by two four year olds" Kyodo sighed before laughing with the others.

"Now you know how it feels to be everyday" Shiro joked as he sat down with a glass of orange juice.

"Losers weapers" Rin proudly smirked and stuck his tongue out.

"Better luck next time, we might go easy on you" Yukio cheekily grinned, glancing to the adults who all chuckled at the two. 

"Just finish your ice cream, we still need to clean up the mess from the leaf fight" Shiro smiled and ruffled the two boys heads making them giggle. 

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