Chapter 10.

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"What are you doing" Izumi asked as he held the broom still, glancing down to a five year old Yukio sitting by he bushes.

"Can't tell" Yukio replied as he shakily pushed his glasses up his nose better and looked to the priest.

"Is it something good or bad" Izumi asked with a small uneasy smile, he glanced over the younger twin and noticed a small bag on his back.

"Both" Yukio answered honestly and Izumi gave an unsure nod, the backpack seemed empty yet it was still on the five year .. maybe running away but badly. 

"Are you running away, It make us all sad if you suddenly leave" Izumi asked with a slight frown, leaning the brush on the bushes next to the youngest twin.

"Shopping" Yukio mumbled back shyly as he finally stood up and looked to the older priest.

"Shopping?" Izumi asked puzzled and lifted an eyebrow.

"Rin got yelled at by dad and the school becuase of me, He even cried in bed and its all my fault. I'm gonna get him a gift since I'm not brave enough to tell dad its my fault. I'm not a very good little brother" Yukio muttered with a frown, tears forming in his eyes but he wouldn't let them fall.

"I see, You feel guilty for Rin getting into that fight. Where those boys bullying you not Rin and Rin stepped in to help" Izumi replied as he sat on the half brush beside where Yukio stood.

"I keep seeing scary monsters and the boys don't believe me, they call me a freak and push me over while laughing. Rin ran over as they threw stones at me and saved me but now he in big trouble and even Dad yelled enough to make him cry. I want to help but I don't want dad or Rin thinking I'm strange too becuase I see things, So .. all I can do is get Rin a gift" Yukio answered as he looked to the floor, his foot twisting in the stones and he held his other arm. 

"You seem to cry a lot and seem scared over things that some might never see, do you really see wired monsters around daily" Izumi asked with a worried smile, placing a hand on Yukio small shoulder as the five year old gave a frighten nod.

"I do, they are mean and scary .. I don't like them but they won't leave me alone and now Rin paying for it becuase I'm too scared to act" Yukio started to cry and Izumi patted his head.

"Don't worry, Rin won't be in too much trouble. Why don't I walk you to the shop and keep an eye out for the monsters, if they try anything then I'll take action for you. Is that ok and then once you gave the gift to rin, maybe talk with Shiro" Izumi smiled kindly and Yukio sniffed as he looked to the older priest.

"Do you think Rin will hate me" Yukio asked with fear in his voice.

"Of course not, Rin loves you too much to ever hate you" Izumi promises and took Yukio hand as he stood up before the two left the church heading for the shop. 

Back at inside the Church....

"Why can't I tell Yukio about demons, he knows I'm one" Rin asked with a slight huff as he sat on one of the benches while Maruta, Nagatomo and Kyodo wipes the silver at the front.

"Becuase he mostly human, he doesn't have the power to see them like we do and its best not to scare him even more then he already is" Maruta answered the five year old boy who swung his legs over the edge without much care.

"But what if he gets upset because we lying to him, he trust me and I'm lying to him but then again he lying too. He scared of something already and won't say what" Rin frowned as he crossed his small arms.

"He is often crying to seems deadly pale from seeing something, maybe he starting to see demons even if the tests come back as not positive, he might have a free pass due to being a twin to Rin" Nagatomo replied as he looked to the other priests.

"I think he might be seeing them, he may have been able to see them all his life and thought he just strange. I mean, if we never told him about them and just lied saying Rin was one of a kind, then he may have hidden the truth of seeing them from us. But without him telling us what makes him so scared, I don't know if we should just tell him straight of the bat" Kyodo sighed as he wiped his sweaty forehead a little.

"Then we can tell him" Rin asked excited and the other three shook their heads knowing it wasn't their decision.

Later that Night ..

"Dad" Yukio cheered as he ran over to his dad, hugging his leg as tightly as he could.

"Haha, its good to be home too Yukio. It seems you missed me as much as always and how about Rin, was he good" Shiro asked with a bright smile and picked the youngest twin up.

"He was amazing as always" Yukio promised with a toothily smile making Shiro chuckled.

"He always is in your eyes, twins are something else" Shiro joked as he started walking, still carrying Yukio in his arms.

"Hey dad, You still love Rin as much as I do even if he Satan Son just like Izumi, Maruta, Nagatomo and Kyodo Do. Will you still love me as much if I was strange for seeing monsters that I shouldn't" Yukio asked shyly, fear in his eyes and nervousness in his voice.

"I would love you and Rin no matter what before your both my sons now and forever. Now, why don't you tell me more about theses monsters" Shiro answered with a warm smile and kissed his youngest son cheek.

"Dad, I can see things that others don't .. they started to bully me and hurt me when no one is around and I'm scared" Yukio teared up as he hugged his dad trying to hide in the safety of Shiro.

"Yukio, I think its time I tell you the truth to this word" Shiro frowned as he came to a stop, glancing down to his son. 

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