Chapter 12.

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"Father, why can't we go outside of your home" Rin asked as he stood by the window, glancing out to Gehenna with a sparkle in his eyes.

"My son, You have only been in this world for a single day .. it's not safe for you to explore outside of my home just yet. Within a week, when your use to the heat and air, then I'll allow you to leave" Satan answered as he closed the door closed behind him, walking towards his eldest son by the window, not taking much care of Yukio who was sitting on the edge of the single double bed. A bedroom given to the twins as they arrived in the middle of the night, now it was day or should be day on earth but in hell it was always just burning day. 

"When can we go home" Yukio asked in a small voice, his eyes filled with fear behind his glasses as he looked to his blood father, a man he watched kill Shiro a man he saw as his true dad. 

"You are home my son, now why don't we take those ugly things off" Satan replied with a sweet voice but a slight hiss hidden within the sweetness as he looked towards Yukio.

"They my glasses, I need them" Yukio answered as he pushed his glasses up more. 

"No son of mine is broken or ruined in any way, I'm sure the human just lied to make you think your weaker then you truly are. Now take them off" Satan replied glaring slightly at Yukio.

"But father, Yukio needs them to see. We'll become all blurry to him if he doesn't wear them" Rin mumbled with worry, grabbing his father arm and shaking it a little.

"Nonsense, He has my and your mother blood within them .. he has no defaults" Satan answered and walked over to Yukio who tensed up as he looked to his father, Rin following behind their father unsure of why his brother glasses seemed to bad.

"But I need them S-sir" Yukio weakly replied as he held the corners, pushing them into his face like they stop them from being taken.

"Give them" Satan ordered as he held his hand out.

"B-But" Yukio started to reply before a slap echo the room, tears filling Yukio eyes as his cheek turned red and his glasses landed on the bed. Rin stood in shock and glanced between his brother and father while Satan stood tall.

"Do not talk back to me, You are my son and I expect respect from you. Next time I won't ask twice for something and I hope you understand to follow my orders faster" Satan snapped with anger in his voice, not caring if tears left yukio eyes. 

"Y-Yes" Yukio sniffled back holding his cheek and Rin ran over to him, climbing onto the big bed to sit beside his twin.

"You ok Yukio" Rin asked with worry, pulling his brother hand away from the red cheek to have a better look. Yukio just sniffled as he nodded.

"I'm sorry boys, I just hate to think that your believe all those lies the humans told you. They wanted to make you feel small and weak in hopes to stop you from raising in power and taking control. You must remember, your my sons and you hold my power within your blood .. You can not become weak" Satan spoke in a smooth voice, kneeling to the ground as he placed a hand on the twins laps making them turn to him.

"Did they really lie to us" Rin asked with a frown, he thought Shiro and the others all loved him and Yukio, he thought they were a family.

"Yes, they tricked you like fouls in hope to either defeat you or to use you for their own self gain. But lucky for you both I was able to come save you, now we rule Gehenna and one day we take over the world together" Satan smirked as he looked to the two.

"Why" Yukio asked snapping Satan head to look at him alone.

"Why" Satan asked confused over the question.

"Why do we have to rule them, if they fear us already then why don't we just became friends with them instead of making them hate us more. Dad always said" Yukio started to reply, one of his hands holding Rin as Satan still scared him but a second slap echo the room.

"Do not call that man your dad .. I AM YOUR TRUE FATHER" Satan roared back, grabbing Yukio collar and holding him in the air, his little bum no longer on the bed keeping him up.

"Sorry .. please father your hurting him" Rin cried out as he jumped down, stepping on Satan lap and tapping the arm that held Yukio.

"Sorry my boy but It just hurts so much to have you call another as your father. I am your one and only father in this life and you must know, I am the only one you can trust to keep you alive .. please remember that" Satan spoke calmly as he let Yukio down. 

"We'll remember father, its just hurtful to have the old man lie to us .. we thought he loves us and we were a family" Rin replied with his head low as he hugged Yukio, both on their father lap still.

"I understand, why don't we read a story" Satan smiled and clicked his fingers making a book appear in the air just floating before he grabbed it.

"Sure, you like to read .. right yukio" Rin smiled as he pulled back from the hug and patting his younger twin head.

"I do" Yukio admitted shyly and the two sat on a lap each as Satan passed the book to Yukio.

"Please my son, read to us" Satan smiled kindly and Yukio gave a small nod before opening the book, pulling it closer to his face in hopes to see the words without his glasses.

"Yukio is really smart father, he can read books really well but we have to wait until after he reads the pages to see any pictures" Rin bragged with a huge smile and waving his hands all over the place.

"I see, well I look forward to hearing you read. Please when your ready" Satan smiled and Yukio gave a shaky nod as he couldn't see anything at all .. everything was a blur without his glasses.

"Everything ok" Rin asked with worry, he knew his brother was a nervous reader sometimes but he never took this long.

"I-I can't see the words" Yukio frowned as he lowered the book in shame and slight fear of his father reaction.

"Lie" Satan answered.

"Please father, Yukio really do have bad eyes. Please let him keep his glasses, We'll make sure to behave and he'll be better if he can see" Rin begged as he grabbed his father shirt a little.

"Fine, I'll allow him to keep the glasses" Satan sighed as he made Yukio glasses float over to the boy.

"T-Thank you father" Yukio shyly smiled as he placed his glasses on and turned to Satan who just nodded.

"Now there the handsome boy" Rin grinned as he looked to his brother once he had his glasses back on.

"Lets just get reading" Satan spoke up and Yukio nodded before picking the book up once again and started reading. 

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