Scene 1 - Man of the Year Award

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(Opening logos + titles)

We begin downtown at Gotham. Early evening. A massive sky-scraping restaurant or hotel, situated next to the sea of the city. Flashes of lights by the entrance as guests stride along the red carpet after arrogantly and boastfully cat-walking down for the attention of the media. Inside – huge, huge space. A gigantic stage on a higher level with steps leading around up to the edge of it. Posters of the Man of the Year Award scattered from side to side – an image of Lex Luthor on the left with Bruce Wayne on the right, splitting the men apart with the Man of the Year Award trophy. Even a massive projection of it at the back of the stage. Tables with big spaces between one another, filled and stacked with lots of excited famous and honoured guests. We zoom to a table with Lex and Bruce sat opposite sides with the ladies around them, beginning to initiate conversation.

Guest 1:

Lex, I'm surprised you took time away from your presidential campaign and came all the way to Gotham city for this.


Oh dear lady, as a nominee it has been a pleasure and privilege to be here.


Especially if you win.

The girls around him giggle. The host of the nightstands on the podium where she prepares to announce to all with the trophy in her hand.


And now, ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for, this year's Man of the year award goes to –

Lex gleefully smiles...

Bruce Wayne!

The audience claps and cheers for him. He rises out of his seat to cheer Lex up, patting his shoulder.


Next year buddy.

Mr. Luthor raises an eyebrow, whilst an assured Mr. Wayne heads to collect his award, smiling and winking to the audience.

Lex Luthor:

Despise that guy!

Once taking the podium and kissing the host on the cheek, he prepares for a speech, before insane laughter echoes the hall. Bruce immediately recognizes it. Mysterious green and purple lights flash of some funfair roller-coaster or something onto the audience and their tables as they begin whispering to one another, confused. Some creepy and silly funfair music begins playing too. The projection at the back then flashes to an image of the face of the Joker in a green and purple whirlpool.


(Voice) Who has been there for you? One man, who has made it his mission to improve the lives of people around you.

The audience begins panicking, and Bruce rushes off stage left. We see footage of the Joker run along madly with a detonator and explode a building. Another of him robbing a bank, smiling as he rushes off with a trolley of notes in dollars with smashed vaults and walls and the Joker graffiti on the wall with two security guards helplessly tied up together. Joker narrates this along.

He has remodelled our buildings. Helped keep our banks free of unnecessary clutter.

Bruce has rushed offstage, seeing his shadow place on his mask to then dash out of sight again. More footage plays of the Joker, now tied up by the police as he secretly releases laughing gas to hypnotise them as they stiffen up whilst the Joker handshakes one of the possessed officers.

You have always shown your appreciation.

Lex begins to be intrigued by this, humming to himself curiously.

And why stop now?

A trap door bursts open, springing out – the Joker himself! The audience panics and scream wildly – some falling back in their chairs.

A standing ovation did not expect that. But I'll take it! And also, everything else!

Joker's minions and other criminals invade the hall and begin attacking the guests of their money and valuable possessions, stealing them for themselves. A nervous man standing in an open space, attempting to avoid the other criminals and keep himself, his wallet with lots of notes in and his belongings safe is approaches by Riddler from behind, waving his cane around.


Riddle me this – what's green and found in your wallet?

Guest 2:

Erm, money.


Urm, no. Not anymore!

He snatches the money out from the wallet. Another nervous guest trying to avoid and escape keeps her wits about her turning around seeing if any thief is trying to steal anything. She turns around, and gasps! Penguin's umbrella at her golden necklace.


NWEEH! NWEEH! NWEEH! Sorry to raid on your pride my dear. NWEEH! NWEEH! NWEEH!

The Joker on stage snatches the Award from the host.


Thanks so much!

He jumps onto the table of a cool, collected and seated Lex Luthor as the Joker kicks off the lamp and puts out his hand for something to be handed over.

Lex Luthor:

No thanks. I don't want to get joy-buzzed.


Oh don't worry. I didn't want to shake hands – I want your watch.

Lex hands it over.

Nice running into you. Let's do it again sometime.

He rushes back to the stage, leaving Lex on his own once more.


Oh we will.

The criminals join to sit with Mr. Luthor, Penguin, Riddler, Two-Face and Harley Quinn as the other goons sit on the other tables as they all cry "SPEECH" repeatedly. Once Joker is back centre stage, he smiles before laughs evilly once more


What a night! Such an honour. Words fail me! I'm speechless.

He cries laughing again.

Ah, who am I kidding. When am I ever speechless? And what a thrill, to finally see myself on the big screen. Look at that face. It's like, what's he going to say? What's going to come out of that mouth of his?

BANG! A Batcopter bursting from the mouth! The villains at the front table dodge out of the way as it crashes onto the table, and both the Caped Crusader and Robin jump out to a stubborn Joker sat on the floor like an unhappy child.


Sorry to wipe that grin off your face Joker!


You're not sorry! You're not sorry at all!

Batman and his sidekick begin to get ready for action, as Joker sticks his tongue out.

Come and get me!

The trap door opens; Joker, Two-Face, Riddler and Penguin floating with his umbrella jump down before it shuts, leaving Harley Quinn to be the only one left as she backflips giving them a cute little kiss. Now it was Batman and Robin up against Harley Quinn, with Joker's minions preparing to attack...

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