Scene 2 - Harley Quinn

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The brawl begins. Two goons jump out at Batman and Robin as they begin fighting and punching. Once they're down easily, two more spring out, one with a shotgun!


Uh oh. And I thought this was gonna be an easy one!

BANG! BANG! One of the goon fires at the two. They both ricochet off Batman's abs.


Who needs bulletproof protection when you have a nine pack?

The other goon then charges after them as they keep firing at them. A bullet hits Robin! A flesh wound. Batman kicks the first goon down and smashes him to the table. The other goon keeps firing. He doesn't stand a chance. Batman rushes to him, jumping on the table and then jumping to strike. PUNCH! BIFF! Down.

Come on Robin!

They then rush the other side of the Batcopter and more goons jump out. Easily dealt with. Both Batman and Robin then violently beat them to a pulp as another pair jump out; one running after them whilst the other fires another shotgun. The goon with the gun stupidly hits his friend in the shoulder, as Batman and Robin both run up and strike the closest one down. The other fires at Robin, hitting him. Batman then throws his baterang at the minion, knocking him in the head and dropping his gun, as then he charges to him and kicks him to the piano as it breaks into dozens of pieces.


Erm, Batman, where's Harley? I don't see her.


Master build, quick!

Batman then expertly builds a staircase leading up onto the stage with the remains of the black piano – once assembled, the two dash up. More goons slide down the ropes with their guns to begin to fire at both of them. Batman's baterang is fired again, smacking both in the head as they dizz around confused and light-headed. Then, with the opportunity, Batman punches the one into the other as they both fall unconscious.


I'll try round here then.

More minions rush from behind the podium to begin attacking Robin, taking him by surprise as one punches him. The other goon laughs throwing his arms out in the air with joy. Batman then rushes in to tackle the unprepared goon, punching him in the face to crash and destroy the podium. As for the other, Batman punches him away from Robin as he falls to the ground before he is kicked in the head and topples down offstage. We hear more scrapes of sliding down ropes.

Hmm. Thanks.


Don't mention it. You need to keep your wits about you remember Robin.



Three more goons slide down from ropes on the other side of the stage. Batman then grabs out his baterang once more and throw it cutting all the ropes as the three plummet to the stage, breaking their bones as they scream in agony falling – and of their injuries. Just then, Harley jumps from nowhere to land on a LEGO statue of a golden man with a golden plate out the statue holds for Harley to jump on. Another is the other side of the stage, like the other back to the wall. Both also house fuse boxes next to their lefts. They are open. Fuse boxes leading to the stage lights next to them. That can only mean one thing!

There she is!

She sticks her tongue out, as she then rudely waves out for the heroes to capture her. Batman sees the fuse box and sees the chance. But Harley jumps for it, swinging and swirling like a gymnast or acrobat on the poles above the stage to then land on the other LEGO statue where she laughs out again. Batman rushes over to the fuse box on the other side, again open. He throws it! BANG! DDZZZZ! Just as she is about to spring off again, Harley is electrocuted by the light, frying her almost as she screams out as she bounces onto the trap door, breaking it open and crashing through it.


That'll take care of her!


Shall we?

The two then jump, jump down leading to wherever what lies underneath the stage.

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