Scene 5 - Riddle this showdown

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We have reached the top of the stairs. Batman and Robin head up towards the end as they see before them three massive wooden boxes connected and built into the wood surrounding the wall. Behind, a lift with a control port next to it, with the option of sliding a key in the middle of this.


No one around.


Wait, wait. If we think this a sec. Yeah, stand there and then see through the boxes with this tech. For all we know they could be inside.

He stands at the centre one, projecting a video of the Riddler, laughing evilly. BANG! BOOM! It bursts to open out! Two goons jump out to attack! Batman turns invisible. They then turn confused about where he went, before looking to Robin, ready to fight the pair.


Great! Time to get busting!

They run out towards him! One of them is flipped into the air from his back and is thrown to the ground, killing him, showing Batman out from invisibility. The other minion turns around, as the Caped Crusader vanishes back into thin air. Robin then jumps in and punches kicks him to the floor, the minion hitting his head dead. Batman flashes back out and then heads to another one of the boxes to scan.


Great stuff there Robin.


Thanks. Must be doing a really good job then.

Batman x-rays through the one on the left and sees nothing. Robin spots something falling!



A crate falling! Batman looks up, jumping out of the way in the nick of time as it crashes where it would have flattened him.


Phew! Thanks Robin. Rather close that one.


Don't mention it.


Then it must be in this one.

He x-rays the box in the scan – the same Riddler despicably laughing. CRASH! Three more goons jump out, as Batman flashes invisible again. They turn to each other confused and distraught like the others, but Robin is ready to fight as the stupid goons turn to him and prepare to attack, laughing and smiling grimly at Robin. An invisible Batman throws his baterang at all three! BAM! BAM! BAM! They spin around dizzily, as Batman is revealed out from invisibility. Robin jumps onto one of their shoulders and flips him down – dead. The other two recover and one punches Robin, and then the other! Batman jumps in to punch the second goon twice, before he kicks him down the stairs, crying his last. The other goon turns around to sees Batman. He then flashes invisible. Confused and distracted, Robin kicks him as he flies to the ground unconscious.

We're doing great today Robin. We're nearly there.


One more.


One more.

Batman x-rays into the third and final box – the Riddler laughing again! BOOM! The box burst again! Three more goons jump out! They run at them, Batman jumping onto one of them and beating him to a pulp whilst another attacks Robin. The third is about to jump onto Batman, but then he flashes invisible. The minion stares around curiously and distraught, scratching his head. The other goon turns to fight with Robin, but he is tapped on the shoulder as Batman flashes out as he slices him to the wooden floor. He runs towards the other goon! Jumping onto him to the ground, twisting his neck to break it.







The lift reaches the bottom – two goons and then, the Riddler! The goons jump out as the Riddler activates the lever at the centre of the board of controls at the end of the cramped lift before he jumps out too as the lift then electrocutes itself. The villain whips out his golden stick and prepares to strike as Batman throws his baterang to knock the goons dizzily. The Riddler rushes towards them as the fighting begins. Robin kicks the two goons as one is knocked unconscious to the ground whilst Batman is knocked on the head by Riddler's pipe.

Riddle me this, what's dead and lying in the lift?

Batman kicks away his cane and punches him towards the lift as the Riddler laughs.

Ha ha ha! You'll never get that key code! Now riddle me this first...

Robin kicks the goon, catapulting him into the air again and knock Batman down to the ground. With Riddler and the minion surrounding the dizzy Batman, Robin rushes to the rescue before Riddler swings his golden cane to Robin's head falling to the ground. Batman's vision is blurry as he sees the Riddler and his minion laugh.

As I was saying, riddle me this; where is the funeral going to take place?

Batman, now inches away from electrocution, flashes invisible whilst Robin slowly begins recovering.

Push 'im in!

The two jump into the air as Batman's invisibility flashes out to see him out of it, pushing him towards the electrical charge. Robin wakes, and charges towards one of the minion, pushing him up as Batman kicks him up as the goon screams before electrocuted, frying up into nothingness. Robin then kicks the Riddler away to where Batman jumps up and both repeatedly punch and punch the Riddler. After dozens of bruises and blood, the Riddler is left lying on the floor dizzy and unconscious. A keycode is left to his right, lying beside.


Thank you Robin.


Oh, it's nothing.

Batman picks up the keycode and slots it into the board next to the lift, then un-electrifying itself.

Well hay presto! Where would this lead up to?


We'll find out when we get to the top.


Just don't touch the lever. Otherwise we'll be, you know... electrocuted.


(Low pitched) Yes Robin. Well done.

They both man the lift, seconds later as the lift automatically rises up, surprising the two heroes.

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