Chapter III: Return to Castle Town

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Throughout the whole chariot ride to Castle Town, the thoughts in my mind were crowded by the thought of that vision. Zelda could tell that I was bothered and confused from... what ever it was that I saw... so she continued to try to comfort me. 

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asked. 

"I'm alright. I just... don't get it." I said back. 

Zelda didn't speak, but she once again attempted to comfort me by wrapping her arm around me.

 As we neared the bridge and it's gate, I remembered what we were here to do. This was no time to be lost in thought. Today, we had planned on beginning construction plans and returning the Master Sword to the Temple of Time. I should be thinking about the legendary blade, not the vision I had. 

Regardless, I lifted my head up and looked at Zelda. She was one thing that would cheer me up. 

I didn't say anything, but just looked at the beautiful Princess... or... Queen... as the guards prepared to bring down the draw bridge. 

creak creak creak

"Steady, gentleman!" The guard yelled. 

As they lowered the bridge, I thought about the last time I heard that rare, yet somewhat satisfying sound. Happy memories of my childhood began to resurface. 

"When was the last time you heard that?" I asked Zelda as we watched the guards steadily bring down the bridge. 

"It feels like ages." The Queen responded. 

"It really does." I said with a chuckle. 

The guards then spanned out and made way for us to cross through. 

Once we crossed the bridge, we headed into Castle Town. To my surprise, construction workers were everywhere in this town. To add on to it, this was the first time I'd seen it since Ganon's tower had fell. The dark, ominous cloud was no where to be seen, and was replaced by a shining blue sky. 

For a week, the construction workers had done a whole lot. The old, burned down buildings looked to be totally gone, except for a few spots where the old debris still lay. It looked like they were going to start from the ground up. 

"Woah." I said in amazement to the Princess as I looked around the town. 

"So far so good." She responded. "They're pretty quick." 

"You sure it's only been a week and a half?" I asked, still shocked. 

Zelda laughed. "Yes, my Hero. I'm sure." 

"This is unbelievable." I said smile. 

The guards then took the Queen and I into the Castle Town square, were most of the construction had begun. The buildings were all torn down and replaced with outlines of the ones that were being built. In the middle however, was a big circle, with what looked like a... huge fountain? There were big rock like being covered by a tarp. I couldn't even tell what it was. Maybe it was a sculpture or something.  

The chariot then stopped. The Queen, Impa, and I stood up, ready to take a stroll around the town. 

I quickly hopped off the chariot and reached up to help Zelda get off. 

"Slow and steady, Princess." I said as I guided her down. 

"Thank you." She responded with a smile. 

Impa then stepped off quickly, yet swiftly, and followed behind Zelda and I as she led me to the middle of the square. 

"What even is this?" I asked her as we neared the structure. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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