Mike's POV
Tony and I walk in to the station and Head chief says "ok crew welcome back Tony. Tomorrow you get a day to set up your dorms then the next you're starting. You're trying to figure out who took the poor girl off campus a couple weeks ago. Try not to kill anyone please unless you absolutely have to." Tony says "Mike what's going on?" I say "I'll tell you about it in a second. Umm chief what are the dorms for we have kids. What are we supposed to do?" Vic says "we don't have too much of a choice if this is undercover Kellin can take them I guess." I say "true." Head chief says "shit I didn't think about that. Umm you'll probably have to do what Vic said." I say "how often are we allowed to go home?" Chief says "no more than 3 times. I'm sorry guys." I say "it's alright." Chief says "the guidelines are you all have your normal identities, your siblings are your siblings, you can't be married but you can date though, don't date anyone at least try not to but if you do that's cool, no getting drunk even if you go to a party act drunk you guys do that quite frequently, the teachers know again so but don't go talking this is a college be professional but not too much, yes you can keep guns on you but if a kid sees it I swear to god guys I might slap you." Vic says "do I get my own room?" Chief says "yes Vic you do. Mike and Tony I see you nothing weird, Billie and Finneas you guys are rooming don't murder each other please or I'll make third wheel with Mike and Tony as punishment." Finneas says "I'll be good." I say "you better be or I'll call Taylor and he's not gonna like that." Billie says "you can't threaten me with anything." I say "I sure can I can just fire you. Hah you can't threaten me with anything though." Billie says "I'll tell Tony." Vic says "I'll tell mom." Tony says "I'll tell my mom." I say "ok fine Vic mom would just be concerned for my health at this point. Michael did you get shot again? Is Tony ok? Please say you didn't murder Vic?" Saying the questions in Spanish. Tony shakes his head laughing. Vic says "Tony you speak Spanish?" Tony says "yes I'm Mexican I speak Spanish." Finneas says "so much not English." I say "oh by the way your boyfriend speaks Spanish too buddy." He mutters I never get a break do I?" I say "not from me nope." Chief says "do you guys want to know what you're going to school for? Or am I just going to stand here?" Billie says "oooo I wanna know maybe join a sorority see how satanic they really are." I say "what are you a demon?" She says "yes. I'm genuinely curious though." Tony says "Mike if you become a frat boy I'm getting a divorce." I say "I know" hugging him from behind. Chief says "also no underage drinking Billie and Finneas." I say "yeah Vic no underage drinking." He says "Mike I'm older than you." Chief says "find suspects and text them to me. Try not to stand out on purpose don't go for popularity cuase they can still give you scholarships in college. This is at the school of arts so Tony you're in for writing, Billie I heard you are a good dancer so going in for dance, Finneas I was also told you were good at music production, Vic you're going in for music, and Mike I want you to go into random classes whatever you want basically if you find someone suspicious go to a couple of their classes the teachers won't say anything about you being in the wrong class." I say "alright. What do I say if someone asks what I'm in for?" Chief says "it's college not prison and just change the subject or make up a story. And I want you guys here every Friday during lunch don't bother signing out they don't care if you guys randomly leave." We all nod and Chief says "that's a wrap folks." Tony says "can we just say our wedding rings are promise rings if someone asks?" Chief says "sure." Billie says "I'm getting a makeover so they let me into the sorority. Call your children were going shopping for sorority girl clothes." I say "make sure they don't see your music playlist." She says "mhm they'd be scared." I say "mmm. Vic become a frat boy!" He says "no way." I say "cmon Billie will eventually need a fake boyfriend and sorority girls only date frat boys plus they probably do sketchy shit in there too this is so we basically have eyes everywhere." Vic says "fine. That means I have to start working out more than I normally do?" I say "nah you're bulky enough." I call Taylor saying "hey kid we're turning Billie into a sorority girl at the mall get off the bus there later." Taylor says "ok I'll write a note and forge your signature." I roll my eyes saying "ok love you cya later. How's your sister doing?" Taylor says "she's good dad didn't go to the nurse or anything." I say "that's good. K bye." He says "bye dad." I hang up and say "they're meeting us there later." Tony takes my hand as we walk to the mall like teenagers.

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