Btw Lilly has a slight French accent
Mike's POV
I say "that's Taylor my kid." He says "ooo she's pretty!" I say "hey you're dating someone buddy and she's an adult." Taylor says "but dad my boyfriends an adult he can wait." I hear Angelica say "hey dad! Why're you in the hospital? For like the 3rd time this month." I say "I'm not a patient this time!" Lilly says "are you a frequent here?" I say "you could say that." Angelica says "well who's the one in the bed!" I say "you wanna meet them now or when we get home?" Lilly says "I like being mysterious I'll wait." I chuckle and say "be patient children we'll be home tonight hopefully." Tony says "I want to sleep in my own bed." I say "mhm me too." Tony says "go to the station and scare them or something." Taylor says "ok! Scare boyfriend time!" I chuckle and say "alright I'll see you guys later. Scare Vic for me." They wave then hang up. Lilly says "they seem energetic." I say "for teenagers yeah." Mom says "oh shut it Mike you are pure ADHD so was Vic." Lilly says "who's Vic?" I say "my older brother." Tony says "little." I say "seems like it sometimes." Mom says "I'm getting you discharge papers and prescription. Ok?" I nod and mom says "be nice to her or I'll come hit you both" walking out. Tony says "yes ma'am." Lilly says "yayyy I get to go!" I chuckle at her childishness. Tony says "drinks on Head chief tonight." I say "fun. You wanna go?" Looking at Lilly. She says "sure I haven't had alcohol in forever." I say "awesome!" Tony says "babe don't get her drunk." I say "you have no faith in me." Tony says "mm I love you" sitting on my lap. I say "I love you too." Mom comes in and says "Michael stop making her feel like a third wheel. Here's the papers dear." Lilly says "thank you ma'am." My mom smiles and walks out. Lilly signs it and says "can I go now?" I laugh and say "crutches?" Lilly mutters something in French then says "found them!" I chuckle and she grabs them and says "forgot about the feeling of crutches" as she starts for the door. I grab Tony's hand and kiss him. I say "gurl you're fast." She says "zoom." I laugh shaking my head. We get to the car and Lilly gets in the backseat. She says "car." I says "car." Tony says "wow." I flick his forehead and pull out of the parking lot. I say "straight to the bar?" Tony says "sure Finneas probably stole our kids anyways." I say "true." Lilly says "so many people." I say "mhm." We get to the bar and I say "party time!" Tony says "calm down a little." I say "woohoo" sarcastically. Lilly laughs lightly opening the door of the bar. Angelica comes up to me jumping 9n me saying "dad! Dad! Dad!" I sat "hi! Hi! Hi!" Everyone cheers and Lilly says "is this what your life is normally like?" I say "yeah crazy right?" Finneas comes over to Lilly and says "Lilly right? They're gonna have a moment in a second and you don't want to be caught in the middle of it. It gets awkward. I'm Finneas by the way." She chuckles and says "ok" following him. Tony says "he's a smart kid. He knows what's going to happen next." I say "and you do?" He says "shut up and kiss me." I kiss him passionately. He says "mmm that was good." I say "mmm" kissing his forehead. I say "now it's whiskey time!" Everyone chuckles in the room. Head Chief says "you guys did well this week." I say "thank you. We don't have a bartender do we?"He says "nope." I say "of course" jumping the bar. Lilly walks over saying "whiskey please." I say "yup." Filling a glass for her. I say "what would you like darling?" To Tony. He says "hmm surprise me." I think and an evil smile spreads across my face. I say "I present to you a tie me to the bedpost made by yours truly." Tony says "is that seriously the name?" I say "yes." Tony tries it saying "interesting do you learn these drinks with weird names on purpose?" I say "yes." Lilly says "that's actually a drink?"I say "yes. Hey Taylor get over here!" Taylor says "oh no. What?" I say "give this to your man for me." He says "dad what is this drink called?" I say "tie me to the bedpost." He says "ok" laughing, bringing it to Finneas. Lilly says "did you pull the blowjob on anyone?" I say "a few days ago yeah I pulled it on Finneas coming from Taylor of course and Tony." She laughs and says "what's another weird one?" I say "dirty Mexican hooker?" She says "ew I've had the drink and a real life experience with a Mexican hooker. Don't you think it's a racist drink?" I say "not if you're Mexican making the drink." She says "fair point."I nod and Hayley comes over saying "give me some of that good shit." I say "yes Jesus." Lilly says "is her name actually Jesus?" I say "yes" Hayley says "no I'm Hayley. Mike's just a dork." I pour myself some whiskey saying "cheers baby" Tony says "cheers." I kiss him and I say "mm you taste nice." He says "mm so do you. Why do we have a DJ but not a bartender at this bar?" I say "no clue." Then our song from our wedding comes on. I look at Tony and I say "May I have this dance?" He nods blushing. I swing over the bar and kiss him. I pull him in saying "wait what say is it?" Tony says "I don't keep track anymore." I say "mmm how did you not remember your birthday?" He says "happy birthday to me! I'm 22! Woohoo! Hah that rhymed!" I say "you're cute" kissing his forehead. He says "I love you" I say "I love you too."

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