Mike's POV
I jump awake to "WAKE UP FUCKERS WE HAVE TO BE AT THE STATION AT 8 SO WE CAN GO TO ORIENTATION THING AFTER RUNDOWN BY 9!" I say "ok 10 minutes!" Tony says "who is that?" I say "Vic. We have to tell the kids after we get dressed of course." Tony says "no shit Sherlock." I roll my eyes and say "ok Watson." I put on a white v neck tee shirt, leather jacket, black skinny jeans, SnapBack backwards of course, and my beat up converse. Tony says "I don't have to wear contacts this whole thing!" I say "I mean glasses get annoying after a while." Tony says "mm true. So we're just there until like Tuesday?" I say "sure then we'll come home Friday and we'll be here until Sunday morning?" Tony says "that sounds good" pulling a shirt on. I go to Angelica's room saying "wake up sweetheart." She says "hey dad. Where are you going?" I say "we would've told you last night but we're doing a case at the college and we won't be back till Tuesday night then we'll have to go back Wednesday morning till Friday. Then we'll be back for the weekend. We'll be doing that until the case is done. We'll come back if something happens I promise." She says "can we stay here by ourselves?" I say "uh sure keep the door locked we can turn the alarm on. Kellin will be next door but that's about it." She smiles and says "everyone going?' I say "mhm Vic, Billie, Finneas, me, dad, we're all going to college again." She laughs and says "please say Vic is a frat boy cause that would be funny!" I say "yeah Billie is gonna need a fake boyfriend at some point." She says "that's great!" I say "I hope he talked to Kellin." She says "that would be bad if he didn't." I nod and say "alright sweetheart I gotta go I'll see you Tuesday night ok?" She nods and says "bye dad love you" hugging me. I say "I say "I love you too sweetheart. I'll try to call you tonight?" She nods and I kiss her temple. Then I go to Taylor's room and he says "bye dad I love you." I hug him saying "I love you too kiddo I'll try and call tonight ok?" He nods and says "when are you coming back?" I say "Tuesday night then Wednesday morning we go back then I'll be back Friday night for the weekend that's the schedule. Ok?" He nods and says "ok love you dad." I say "I love you too" walking out the door after kissing his forehead. Tony says "you forgot to pack this morning" handing me my backpack. I say "thank you, darling. There's no guns in this bag right?" Knowing my badge was already in my jacket. He says "nope they're right there" pointing at the kitchen table. Vic says "you seriously leave guns laying around with children?" I say "yes." Vic says "well let's go then." I say "did you talk to Kellin about being billies fake boyfriend?" He rolls his eyes saying "yup." I say "awesome." We go to Starbucks then go to the station. We walk in and our group definitely stands out from everyone Finneas looks like a nerdy college student glasses and graphic tee included. Billie is wearing hoops, gray adidas sweatpants, black high tops, an oversized white cropped top, a small necklace, and her hair down and curl slightly. Chief says "you guys definitely look like college students." Billie says "omg Viccy you're here!" Mockingly. Billie says "eww I hated that." I say "we'll it's going to be the new thing so." Vic says "I think we all hated that." Chief says "oh god you guys planned something didn't you?" I say "mhm we did." He says "Mike this might be the best idea you've had yet." I say "makes the top several in my book." Chief says "alright guys I'm kicking you guys out." I say "welp bye everyone." They all wave at us. Vic says "Billie when this is done we're having a very dramatic break up." She says "ooo fun awesome." We get to the front desk in the main building in the center of campus. Everyone parts ways for us which I find wicked weird. Billie mutters "I think they just find us hot." I shrug and mutter "I did almost make the front page for hottest man alive. But noooo they picked Chris Hemsworth." Billie says "are you serious?" I say "mhm I am." The man at the desk says "here's your schedules." I say "thank you sir" passing the schedules around. Billie says "aww come on man I have a work out class at 8 tomorrow morning!" I chuckle and a girl comes over saying "I like you would you like to join our sorority?" Billie says "uh sure!" The girl says "amazing! Come with me!" Billie says "I'll see you guys around." I say "cya." A guy comes over saying "sorry about her she can be a little over baring. I'm Kyle." I nudge Vic and he says "Vic." Kyle says "here come to the gathering tonight you seem cool. Cya around bro." He walks away and I say "Vic you just naturally look like a frat boy I guess." He says "fuck off Mike." I say "hey watch it!" As we walk to the dorms. I grab Tony's hand and he leans against me and I kiss his nose. A girl who I recognized as Rachael came over says "omg you guys are so cute! Do you wanna join LGBTQ club. All we do is hang out really and make friends honestly Mike" muttering The last part. I mutter "sorry I gotta find time to talk to my kids plus I'll be busy." She says "alright pop in sometime though" handing me a flyer. I say "very persuasive." She says "always dude." Tony says "she seems interesting" as we walk into our dorm.  I say "she always has been, baby" kissing his temple. We drop our stuff in the dorm and I say "time to go fuck with the sorority girls!" Tony says "seriously?" I say "mhm!"

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