Mike's POV
I wake up at 1 in the morning to a scream. I get up kissing Tony's lips and grab a gun from my nightstand. I go and check on Lilly after putting sweatpants on. I sit next to her on the bed and rub her upper back dropping the gun and quietly saying "what's wrong honey?" She says "I had a nightmare" hugging me. I say "aww honey. Tell me about it" running my hand through her hair. She says "I don't want to talk about it" hugging me tighter. I say "ok" kissing her temple. She says "I'm such a fuck up. Those guys fucked me up. I was basically their sex slave" I could tell she was going into a panic attack. I say "hey you need to breathe honey so you don't pass out." She says "Mike I can't have a panic attack cause when I get one I end up in the hospital it's really bad." I say "shhh what calms you down?" She says "well I did have a service dog but they killed him in front of me." I say "one second" whistling to my old dog. She prances up the stairs. I whistle for her to get on the bed. I say "she's a police dog also trained as basically everything in the book." Lilly smiles as Lady lays her head on her lap. She says "thank you Mike" her accent getting thicker with tears. I kiss her forehead saying "it's not a problem honey" hugging her gently. I say "I'm going to bed. Are you ok?" She says "yeah can the dog stay with me?" I say "of course she can" walking out of the room. I lay next to Tony kissing his neck, knowing he's awake. He says "what was the scream?" I say "Lilly had a nightmare." He says "poor thing" kissing me. I say "mhm" deepening the kiss. At this point it's just a lazy make out session.
Smut sorry dudes
I grab his ass and he immediately relaxes more, moaning into my mouth. Tony says "I'm tired but really horny. Do you see my problem." I chuckle and say "let me help you then" palming him slowly. He says "mmm please" shifting himself. I kiss him saying "you're so good baby." He says "please touch me, Mike." I bite a hickey into his neck and he moans quietly I say "so pretty baby" him moaning. I kiss him slowly sliding my hand into his boxers, stroking him gently. He moans kinda loudly I say "shh you're doing so good baby" kissing him. He says "Mike I'm gonna cum." I take him into my mouth sucking him off. I pull of saying "so hot baby." I lick the tip and take him into my mouth until he cums, pulling gently at my hair. I kiss up his stomach, then kiss his lips.
Smuts over
I say "I love you" He says "I love you too." I kiss his forehead, pulling him closer. The next morning I'm up before Tony and kiss his forehead checking my phone. I say "it's a Wednesday aka I can't lay in bed all day." Tony says "ugh we both can't. What's Lilly going to do?" I say "hmm no clue I think we should let her sleep till we have to go." Tony says "ok" getting out of bed. I grab his hips pulling him against me saying "you're so sexy darling" kissing him. He says "mmm you too." I squeeze his hip and he smiles. I grab his hand and open the door and Tony says "Mike at least put on pants." I say "hey you too." He chuckles grabbing a pair off the floor and says "these are yours, you giraffe." I roll my eyes, kissing him. I pull them on and Tony says "I'm cold." I chuck a pair of sweatpants at him and my sweatshirt. I put a tee shirt on and I look at Tony with his hood over his head. I say "you're cute." Tony blushes as I place my hand on his cheek and the other on his ass. He says "you really like my ass don't you?" I say "it's nice" squeezing it slightly. He bites his lip. I say "come on let's go downstairs." He nods taking my hand, shyly. I say "are you trying to seduce me or something cause it would work if no one was in the house" in Spanish. He smiles innocently saying "maybe" in Spanish. I kiss him and Tony sits on the counter, I just stare into his eyes. I hear a voice say "please do it on the counter or someone's gonna feel it later and there are children in the house." I turn around and it's Lilly then Taylor walks in saying "hey they're actually dressed this morning" yes I grab a Twinkie and chuck it at his forehead. He catches it saying "thanks dad." Tony says "when was it expose us day?" Angelica walks in saying "poor dads." I rub my forehead saying "don't you guys have school?" Taylor says "oh yeah it's Wednesday." I say "yeah no shit Sherlock." Taylor says "you're Sherlock not me." I say "I will chuck another Twinkie at your face and your face will catch it not your hand." Taylor says "yes sir" going to put his shoes on. I shake my head and Lilly says "you guys are weird." Tony says "weird is Mike's only trait." I say "gee thanks." Tony says "I love you, Mike." I kiss his forehead saying "I love you too, baby." Maybe you can still get the love of your life being absolutely fucking badass while doing it. I mean Wolverine did it right? Kinda? You somewhat know what I mean.

Forever Absolutely Badass [PERRENTES] {BOOK 3}Where stories live. Discover now