Mike's POV
I mutter "alright who will do the honors?" Finneas says "sure" knocking on the door yelling "FBI OPEN UP!" I grab my walkie talkie as Vic says "dude just come in they're up to something I can tell." I try to open the door and it's locked. I say "here we go" kicking the door down. I say "been a while been a year since I kicked a door. Oh hello boys." They all look at each other like they're about to run. I say "guys seriously? You're going to run? You think I'm not ahead of you? Well I am. Now where's your basement?" A guy says "bro what're you guys doing here? What're you on about?" I show my badge saying "now where's your basement?" I hear a gun cocked as the guy with said gun points to a door. Tony mutters "I love you." I say "I love you too. Hey guy I see you if you shoot him this time I'll actually kill someone." Tony says "Mike don't do anything stupid" as he opens the door. I say "mhm. The doors are locked no point in running. So this can be easy or hard?" A guy mutters "I bet you like it hard." I laugh and say "I bet you do too. Top or bottom? That jokes old. I bet you're a bottom your ass is gonna hurt in the morning." He says "shut up!" I laugh and say "if anything you should shut up." Billie says "Mike back ups here." I say "awesome. Put the gun down." The guy says "you put yours down first." I say "that's an old trick. Now put it down before I put it down for you." He says "uh huh" and shoots at me. I say "dude you're a terrible shot" shooting his shoulder and his knee. He drops immediately not dead though. The guys look scared now. I keep my gun up and I hear my phone go off. I say "hey baby. What's up?" He says "hey get someone to call an ambulance please she needs immediate attention."I say "Finneas call an ambulance please." He says "yes sir." A squad walks in Head chief says "who are we taking Mr. Fuentes?" I say "all those guys. Oh the guy on the ground might need medical attention." Head chief says "clearly. Where's the girl cause an ambulance just got here." Tony walks in carrying the poor girl saying "right here. Aww honey you're ok" as she nuzzles into his shoulder. She says "it's bright up here" crying. I say "can you go with her?" Tony says "yeah I will. Meet me there?" I say "of course" as the others put the guys in handcuffs. I say "does she have family?" Finneas says "I don't know you might have to ask her." I say "ok I'll ask her. Could you look it up on the network?" Billie says "got you covered Mike. It says her parents threw her out for being bi but got into her trust fund before they took it away so she could go to college. She has no money, no family, you gonna take her in?" I say "she's an adult but I'll have to talk to Tony. He has a soft spot for certain people so he will probably be like oooo yes please or have a breakdown ya know." Billie chuckles and says "he really does." Vic says "I gotta go to the station. Billie and Finneas Chief wants you guys too. He told you to keep an eye on the girl" looking at me. I say "alright you guys got rides?" They nod and I say "cool" going to my car. I say "oh and bring those girls in that house all of them in for questioning too." A guy says "yes sir." I get in my car and go to the hospital. And I see my mom I say "mom are you with the new girl that just came in?" She says "yeah she's in rough shape." I say "she really is where is her room?" She says "Mike I can't let you in I didn't even let Tony in." I say "mom she has no family she was disowned she has no one mom." Mom says "you're glad I love you now go find Tony he'll tell you where her room is." I say "awesome thanks mom." I find Tony and I stand in front of him, him sitting on the floor. He says "uh oh hi." I chuckle and say "come here" giving him a hand. He stands up and I say "which room is she in?" He says "this one but mom didn't let me in." I say "she gave me permission let's go" kissing him. We go in and Lilly says "w-who are you?" I say "I'm Mike you remember Tony right?" She shyly nods waving at Tony. She whispers "I'm Lilly." I say "I'm not going to hurt you honey. Can I sit next to you?" She shyly says "sure." I sit next to her and I say "so what's the news doc?" When my mom walks in. She says "im not a doctor, Michael." Lilly quietly says "why did she call you Michael and not Mike?" I say "that's my mom that's why." Lilly laughs and says "I see where you get your looks from." Tony says "I told you Mike!" Lilly laughs quietly and my mom says "I'm just that fabulous." I say "ok mom." My mom says "ok she has a broken leg and a couple bruised ribs." I say "do you have a place yo stay hun?" She shakes her head hesitantly. I look at Tony and he says "please Mike?!" I say "you don't have to convince me. Do you want to stay with us?" Lilly says "I'd be very thankful if I could?" I say "of course you can." She says "how many live at your house?" I say "well our kids they aren't trouble, Tony and I, and my brother and his husband hang out at my house all the time they basically freeload but not." Lilly chuckles and says "I'd like that very much. Thank you." I say "you're welcome hun." Tony starts dancing and smiling I say "you're a little bit of a dork too." Tony says "no one will ever live up to your level of dorkery." Lilly says "is that even a word?" Tony says "no" than bursts out laughing. I hear my phone ring and Taylor's facetiming me. I say "hey kiddo what's up?" He says "you're in the hospital who shot you this time?" I say "no one shot me actually no one was shot except that one dude he was annoying me and has terrible aim." Lilly says "who's that? He seems done with people shooting you." I laugh and Tony says "we're all fed up with it."

Forever Absolutely Badass [PERRENTES] {BOOK 3}Where stories live. Discover now