Kylo Makes a Discovery

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Kylo Ren jerked his head towards the window of his suite that faced the festival. He had tried for weeks to contact Rey, but she had shut him out, for good it seemed. Their Force bond seemed to have died along with the former Supreme Leader who claimed he was responsible for their connection.

But there was a twitch, something in the Force that moved, causing him to search for her Force signature which seemed to have flickered from the large crowd outside. It was so small that he thought for a second that he was mistaken, but he knew. She was there.

Anger swallowed him at the thought of Rey having the nerve to sneak up on him, attack him with no warning, like he wouldn't catch her. Who did she think she was? She was just an unimportant scavenger who meant nothing and no longer had a place in Kylo's plans to build his empire. She would never be as strong in the Force as he was now that Luke was dead. She was no longer a threat.

His lips twisted slightly into a smirk at the thought of his old master, dead.

He would deal with Rey the next time they met...somehow. He knew he couldn't bring himself to kill her, and this fueled his anger even more. He had let himself believe she cared for him...such a foolish idea. He wouldn't make the same mistake twice.

But that warm feeling kept creeping into his bones, pulling him to her light. He shook his head in a rage, storming out of the room and knocking over two service droids in the process. Their injured beeps echoed through the hall as he marched to the command center.

"Send a squadron of troopers to sweep the area. I have reason to believe the resistance is here," he commanded General Hux, a rat-like man with red hair and sharp features.

"Yes, Supreme Leader," he sneered. He never bothered to hide his disdain for the young leader and taunted him every chance he got. Kylo didn't take the bait this time, though. Let Hux say whatever he wanted to make himself feel important. Kylo would eventually kill him anyway, so why not have a little fun in the process?

Kylo made his way to the main ramp of his luxury ship and stepped out into the roaring sounds of the crowd and the band. He detested these types of events, but the First Order needed funding, and Corruscant was their most generous supporter. They had invited their new Supreme Leader to join them for their annual outdoor festival. He had wanted to say no, but he had to keep up appearances if he wanted their top political leaders on his side now that Snoke was dead.

There were thousands of people in front of him and no sign of Rey's Force signature. He knew she was blocking him, and it had to be exhausting to do so for this length of time. An idea occurred to him, and he almost smiled.

Focusing on an unsuspecting trooper, Kylo pulled him over to his side with the Force and lifted him off the ground. The trooper hung in terror waiting for the Supreme Leader to speak. He winced as Kylo proceeded to hurl commands at the quaking man in white armor.

Knowing that smoke would be used during the performance due to a long, LONG conversation with the director of public affairs, Kylo congratulated himself now for not killing the man before he had finished speaking. It was the perfect way to capture her; lacing the smoke with a drug to incapacitate her.

The trooper nodded furiously with a "Yes, Supreme Leader!" as he was dropped and ran, thankful to be away from the intimidating masked man.

A dark thought flashed behind Kylo's eyes as he thought about the possibilities of such a drug. She would be under his complete control, at his mercy. She would pay for the many weeks of silence and pain she had put him through. He would make her scream his name for each day they were apart. He could strap her into the interrogation chair again and really dig into her mind. Or maybe this time he would torture her in a different way...he shifted himself as his growing arousal tried to break through his clothes.

He felt the Light pull at him as his thoughts darkened, breaking his fantasy. That small part of him that was Ben Solo just wouldn't die.

'Fuck!' He thought to himself. Ben Solo was dead. He was DEAD. He was weak, constantly pulling him to the Light side of the her light.

No, he would do whatever he pleased, Ben Solo be damned. Rey was his, and she was never leaving him again.

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