Hot Water

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The weeks that followed were filled with rigorous training and meditations. Rey felt her confidence soar as her power grew. Kylo was actually a great teacher, she hated to admit it. She had never made this kind of progress with Luke.

Their bond strengthened each moment they were together. Anytime they touched, it was as if both of them ignited into flames. Neither had felt anything like this before, but no one admitted it. The light in Rey and the darkness in Kylo constantly pulled and pushed as the Force sought balance.

Rey had resisted him, but her fake submissive facade was starting to crack. She knew in her heart that she was abandoning her mission. She didn't have to kill him...she could bring him home.

Ben Solo was still in him. Ben Solo could turn the war around.

Ben Solo could be able to love...

No, that was beyond inappropriate. Kylo Ren could be Ben Solo, but she loved her new family so much. Poe, Finn, would they even start to understand?

It was late one night. Rey and Kylo were finally finished with a long practice battle that ended in a stalemate. Both were frustrated and exhausted as they made their way to their refreshers.

Letting her clothes fall to the floor, Rey stepped into the shower and turned on the water, letting steam fill the room and fog up the glass shower door. She lay her forehead against the wall and let the water soothe her aching muscles. If she had a choice, she would stay there forever. Showers weren't an option on Jakku, and Rey was in awe every time the water spilled out of the shower head onto her body.

A few minutes passed. She washed her hair with a concoction that had the most wonderful scent, taking her time to thoroughly cleanse her scalp as if it would rid her of her affections for Kylo.

Her thoughts traveled as she felt the suds slide down her bare skin leaving a tingling sensation. She shuddered at the thought of his hands traveling the same path, caressing her breasts, her stomach, arriving at her most private area that seemed to throb with need every time she saw him. The mystery of sex only fueled her fantasies as she imagined Kylo taking control of her body, showing her everything she was missing like he had with the Force.

She half groaned, half snarled as she squeezed her eyes shut and slammed her fist into the shower wall. She hated the fact that he could hear her every night, but she was too emotionally exhausted to stop him at this point. She wasn't even sure she wanted him to stop.


Kylo heard her struggle with her thoughts and feelings nightly. He tried to block them, finding things to do outside of his room. This had driven him to call meetings after their training sessions just so he could resist the temptation to tear her door down. General Hux was particularly annoyed at the odd hours, and that fueled Kylo's motive even more.

But there was no meeting tonight. He was alone on his couch with nothing to do, so he gave in to his biggest weakness for the last time. At least, that's what he always said, but he had no self control.

Kylo's breathing was ragged. His eyes darkened with mischief as he reached through their bond with the Force like he had done back at the festival. This time though, their bond was stronger.


Rey felt warmth wrap itself around her like a blanket. Her eyes snapped open. This connection felt similar to the one she had experienced at the festival, except it was exponentially stronger. He wasn't just with her now, he was IN her, in her mind, in her body, taking over where all she could do was watch as he manipulated her.

It was the strangest sensation being able to watch his consciousness in her own head. The feelings he emitted were loud and clear, so why wasn't she fighting?

She felt her own hand slide up to her chest, cup her breast and massage it. She gasped as she realized what was happening. She should fight him, attack him so he would retreat.

But she didn't.

Her fingers grazed across her now hard nub and pinched. She let out a breathy scream at the sensation. The lightening traveled straight to the middle of her thighs.

Next, she, or Kylo to be more accurate, dragged her hand and fingers agonizingly slow down the side of her ribs to the top of that forbidden area. He pressed her hand into the soft hair that surrounded her folds, then slid it down to cup her opening. Rey moaned loudly, relishing the new sensation.

Kylo placed her finger on the little button above her slit and stroked it, first up and down then in circles, alternating. She cried out as a new pleasure hit her for the first time in her life. He continued the motions as Rey leaned herself against the wall so she wouldn't collapse. She was whimpering as her wetness coated her hand, making the sensation even more intense.

She felt him take a finger from her other hand and slide it against her slit, grazing her folds lightly while maintaining a constant attack with her original hand on that electrified spot. Then, he pushed into her. He was gentle as he stretched her with her own finger for the first time. She caught her breath and whimpered louder as her walls spasmed against the intruder.

He encouraged her to explore herself, noting every spot that made her convulse and moan. The constant friction was becoming too much for her as her fingers moved at his command.

Her eyes rolled back in her head as the new feeling intensified and started to bloom. The water from the shower was pounding in her ears.

Suddenly, she felt a surge of pleasure that rocked her body forward. Her body seemed to turn inward into itself as the waves of the explosion washed over her. She was a bomb that had detonated, and she shook violently as she screamed out. Kylo forced her fingers to continue to move until the very end of her climax before he mercifully let go.

Rey slid down to the shower floor panting heavily. She felt him exit her mind as the warm feeling subsided. She was alone again.

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