Just Force Things

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Rey was making her way towards the back of the festival crowd when thick, pink smoke started billowing from small holes in the ground. It reflected the laser lights in an interesting way, and the crowd cheered as it became thicker. She laughed at how ridiculous the whole spectacle was, but she had to admit she was having a little fun.

As she pushed her way through, Rey felt her head start to feel fuzzy. The crowd started to spin and the noise grew dim in her ears. She stopped and steadied herself, holding her hands out from her sides for balance. She felt light and happy, too happy.

Then it hit her. The smoke was laced with something, and she couldn't get out in time to avoid the effects. Her body swayed back and forth on her wobbly legs trying to view the crowd. Everything was blurry and tinted with different colors, like a kaleidoscope. She tried to fight the effects of the smoke by entering into a state of meditation, but it was no use. She had already breathed in a significant amount and couldn't resist the euphoria that bloomed around her.

She felt their Force bond roar to life. Kylo Ren was going to find her, the mission would be jeopardized. But for the moment, she didn't care. She turned around to face the stage and smiled a lazy smile while she moved sluggishly to the music.

A warm feeling started wrapping around her body like a snake and pulled her backwards. She leaned into it, not yet comprehending what it was but trusted it anyway. She felt hot breath at her ear and every nerve in her body ignited with electricity as she heard the familiar deep voice rumble straight into her soul.

'How naughty of you to try and trick me, scavenger,' Kylo Ren growled into her thoughts. Rey's eyes rolled back into her head as her mind turned into mush.

'I don't...know what you're talking about," she replied through their bond with a very noticeable slur. She didn't know thoughts could slur.

'Oh, I think you do.' He nipped her ear lobe gently and placed his hands on her waist. She shivered at his touch.

'How are you...what are you doing...I don't see you,' Rey muttered as she turned from side to side, searching for him. The invisible Kylo caught her as she lost her balance.

'Just having a little fun with the Force,' he replied cooly as he slid an invisible hand down her back. She couldn't help but lean into his touch. 'Now that I have you here, why don't you explain what you're doing on this planet wearing...this.'

Invisible Kylo moved to face her and pulled at the slit in her skirt suggestively. She tried to hold her skirt together and close her legs, but it was just too high of a slit.

Then she felt his hands caress her neck. She couldn't control the small moan that escaped her mouth in such an inebriated state. His large hands moved delicately down the edges of her body, starting from the beaded straps of her cropped shirt and barely brushing down the sides of her breasts, as he slowly reached the exposed skin of her stomach. His fingers explored her bare midriff, causing goosebumps, making Rey's breathing completely stop. Kylo swirled his invisible thumbs in circles on her sides, lightly dipping them under the fabric of her skirt's waistband in and out one agonizing movement at a time.

'I came for the food,' Rey replied sarcastically, slurring as she tried to breathe normally. Kylo's invisible fingers slid back up her ribs and onto her shoulders as he moved to stand behind her. He held her against him, putting pressure on her shoulders so she couldn't lean away. She could feel his chest crushed against her back and his arousal growing against her spine.

'So you're saying you didn't come to see me?' Kylo asked playfully, letting his lips trail down the back of her neck.

Her breath caught in her throat as the tone of his voice seeped into her deepest parts. He cocked an eyebrow as he listened to her thoughts, biting her shoulder lightly. She gasped.

She felt him sweep her hair to the side. 'Why do I feel like that's a lie?'

More kisses burned across her shoulder and back to her ear. Something was igniting inside of her.

'Because you...think the galaxy revolves around...you.' Rey could feel herself spinning, but she had just enough control to sass him even though her thoughts were a slurred mess. 'Contrary...to what you think, you...aren't the Force's gift to the universe.'

Desire melted down her body like an ice cube melting over a fire, pooling into her womanhood. She could feel the wetness it produced between her legs. She squeezed her thighs together to keep the sensations from increasing. Kylo suppressed a chuckle.

'You're right. I'm just the Force's gift to YOU.' He grinned wolfishly against her neck so she could feel his expression.

A groan of need left her mouth before she could stop it. His hand held her firmly by the shoulder.

'Only in your...wildest dreams, Kylo Supreme...Leader...Leader Ren.' She tried to sound determined, but her voice clearly betrayed her.

'You have no idea, Scavenger,' he replied, sliding his hand back down her side along the same path as before and grazing her ribs until he was holding her tightly by the hip.

'I could easily take you right here, right now if I wanted to,' he spoke even lower now as his voice reverberated through her chest. He slid the other hand that was at her shoulder across her collar bone and tightened it around her neck, his cheek touching her cheek as he leaned over from behind her. He forced her chin up in the air. His voice was thick with lust that sent her body into tremors. 'The things I could do to you, trapping you in the crowd, helpless.'

Rey felt her knees shake as she struggled to stay upright. The sensations in her lower regions were so strong that she could feel muscle spasms inside of her, something she had never experienced before. She felt like she was about to fly apart at the sound of his voice alone.

Suddenly, she felt nothing as she was lifted off the ground and pulled to the back of the very drugged and smoky crowd where troopers stood armed and ready. She came face to face with Kylo in the flesh. He set her down gently and caught her as she started to fall backwards. With one wave of his hand, he willed her unconscious and scooped her up in his arms. A trooper came running to his side.

"Supreme Leader, we detected explosives in multiple places throughout the area and on our ships. I have sent out a group to deactivate them and find the scum who placed them there. Your ship is ready to depart immediately."

"Good. Kill every rebel you find and get out of my way," Kylo snapped as he walked swiftly to his ship. He made his way up the already open hatch, the heat from Rey's body flooding his skin under all of his armor. A dark smile grew under his masked face.

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