Rey Practices Her New Role

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Rey stood in the middle of her new room and surveyed the area. There was a bed, a night stand, a small table with a couple of chairs, a holopad installed in the wall opposite the bed, a closet full of clothing and shoes, and a door to the refresher. She opened it and saw that the refresher was covered in beautiful black marble. Everything seemed to shine against the light.

Kylo stood with his hands behind his back and waited by the table. He watched Rey intently, studying her every move. How she walked, how she played with the belts around her skirt waist anxiously, how she chewed the inside corner of her mouth when she was thinking about something intensely. He could watch her simply breathe and never tire of her.

"Is the suite to your liking?" Kylo asked softly. Rey made her way back to the middle of the room and sat down on the side of the bed, pulling the slit of her skirt as far over her thigh as she could. Kylo couldn't help but watch. Her skin looked so smooth...

"Master?" Rey stared at him as he snapped back to their conversation.

"Can you repeat that?" He spoke more quietly than he intended.

"I said it's fine, thank you."

Kylo cleared his throat and shifted nervously. "Good, good. I suggest getting some sleep with the little time left before the shift change. It's almost morning here as you can see from the day-to-night simulator." He pointed to the corner of the ceiling. Rey noticed a small box installed into the wall.

"I will, Master."

"Questions?" He started to move towards the door.

"What should I expect for tomorrow?"

Kylo thought for a minute. "You will receive orders from me via your holopad there and the portable one over on the table. The two devices are synced."

Rey nodded and stared down at the floor. Kylo couldn't tell what she was feeling. He definitely sensed anger, but there was something else he didn't recognize.

"Anymore questions?"

"That's all, Master." Rey fought the urge to be sarcastic. 'Control yourself, Rey,' she thought as she gripped the edges of the mattress until her knuckles were white.

"I would also recommend wearing...something...else...tomorrow," Kylo tried to sound confident, but his voice wavered as he noticed Rey's skirt had opened wider at the slit, exposing both of her thighs as she tried to pull the fabric over herself, unsuccessfully. He noticed how she blushed at his words and looked down at the floor again. He felt the heat flowing between them through the Force. Now Kylo was flushed.

"Yes, Master," Rey replied without looking up. Kylo nodded, walked to the doors, waved them open, and almost ran into them as he tried to flee from the room as casually as possible.

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