A Mother's Love

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The scene Ray witnessed was surreal.

People were bleeding all around her. They looked at her with fear and confusion. Rey felt her stomach roll and thought she was going to be sick.

But as she looked closer, she noticed that each wound was minor. She had spared them, even though the Darkness had overtaken her. The Light in her refused to give up, and for that she was thankful.

She then turned her eyes to Leia and Kylo. Both laid on the ground, and their hands were locked together. Finn and Rose stood over them, sweating and panting.

Rey expected them to shrink away, to run, to stop her from seeing her bond mate one more time.

Instead, Rose embraced her with a ferocity that almost knocked her down. Finn looked up from Leia's side at Rey and smiled weakly.

"Rey, it's okay," Rose started. She turned Rey's head towards Kylo and Leia. Leia looked cold. Death was taking her, but Kylo was breathing stronger. He had color in his cheeks, his fingers moved in Leia's hand. Rey dropped down beside Kylo and took his head in her hands. She was bewildered.

"How is this possible?" Rey asked as a medevac team arrived. She used the Force to lift his heavy body onto a gurney.

A tear rolled down Rose's face. "Leia had us move her over to Kylo so she could take his hand..." Rose couldn't finish, so Finn jumped in.

"She told us before she went unconscious. Turns out, she only told Rose part of the vision. The general knew that all three of you were going to die, and that you would try to sacrifice yourself for Leia when the time came. So, she decided she would save you from the blaster shot and give Kylo her life force."

Rose added softly, "It was her way of showing Kylo, or Ben...I guess, forgiveness."

Rey felt her consciousness threatening to leave her, but she fought it. Helping the medevac team was the only thing saving her at the moment as she processed their words. She lifted Leia onto another gurney and stood back, letting the team work. Rey knew it was no use; there was no chance of bringing Leia back after what she did for Kylo. Her voice cracked and shook as she spoke.

"Leia sacrificed her life for Kylo and me."

Finn and Rose nodded.

As they worked to get the two gurneys ready for transport, Rey noticed that a large group of wounded resistance fighters had formed around them. They were no longer looking at Rey with fear, but with sympathy. She could feel their forgiveness filling her soul.

Suddenly, Rey remembered the bounty hunter and jumped in front of her friends, ready to defend. She whipped her head around, looking for him.

Rose grabbed her by the arm, knowing what she was about to ask.

"Poe killed him."

At the sound of Poe's name, Rey finally passed out.

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