Playing a Game

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The training session ended. Kylo was shirtless, glistening with sweat and breathing heavily as he replaced their two practice staffs back into the weapons locker. He had bested her, but he would never admit how hard he had to work to do it.

He picked up a towel and wiped his face and neck as he watched Rey leaned against the wall across the room, silently staring at the floor. She was wobbly while she struggled to take in air. He watched a trickle of sweat travel down her neck, curving over the exposed skin of her cleavage, and finally sliding between her breasts into the black binding she wore wrapped around her chest. She was missing her modest tunic and sported a new pair of sweat pants. Her signature arm wraps were now black to match the rest of the ensemble.

Kylo jerked his head away when she turned towards him. She sure was taking her sweet time putting her shirt back on.

He knew she was doing this to him on purpose, and it was another one of those things that confused the hell out of him. She had looked like a Wookiee earlier that morning, wrapped so tightly in her fur robe that only her eyes were visible. Then she showed up for training wearing nothing but her body wraps and a pair of cloth pants that left him breathless.

Rey turned her head so she could see Kylo in her peripheral. She couldn't stop her eyes from running over his broad chest. The scars that marked his shoulders and pecks called to her fingers, asking to be touched, especially the scar she had given him that ran up from his shoulder to his eyebrow. There was a trail of dark hair running down his abdomen that disappeared under his loose black pants. She wanted to follow it and see where it ended.

She realized she was openly staring when her eyes met his.

She saw Kylo smirk and knew he had heard her thoughts. She ran angrily towards him, igniting her lightsaber in lieu of a staff. The next thing they knew, the room was exploding with the Force as they sparred together.


She had hardly spoken the entire day, only to respond or to ask questions. Rey wasn't one to keep her opinions to herself, and Kylo couldn't figure out what had come over her since she had been captured. Normally, she would be fighting him tooth and nail on every subject, but instead he was met with a meek young woman seeking the approval of her master.

She was slowly driving him mad.

"We will have another lesson tomorrow. I'll send you the schedule when we get back," Kylo spoke sharply as they walked side by side out of the training room. Rey's shirt was back on, thankfully. He didn't think he could handle another minute of her exposed skin.

"Yes, Master Ren," Rey replied, unphased. She looked up to meet his eyes with a nod, lingering for only a second before turning to face forward again.

Kylo thought he was going to jump out of his skin if she didn't say something snarky or try to argue with him.

They reached Kylo's suite and stood together awkwardly for a second. Rey's room was two doors down from his, so she had no choice but to walk past his door every day.

"I'll be going now, Master," Rey stated as she started turning away, but Kylo grabbed her by the arm roughly and pulled her in front of him so she would look at him.

"What are you doing?" He asked threateningly. He was going to find out what was happening, even if he had to strap her back into the interrogation chair. Which wasn't a bad idea to him.

Rey stifled the panic that tried to flood her body. He was on to her.

"Master?" Rey questioned with wide eyes and a fake innocence that both elated and burned him.

"I will not be manipulated, Rey. Not with silence or..." he looked down at her body then back to her eyes, "or..." then made a sweeping gesture from her shoulders to her knees as he struggled to form words, "with whatever you're doing here!" He didn't want to admit his attraction, so he wouldn't say seduction or flirtation.

Rey's lips curled into the cruelest smile he had ever seen from her.

"I thought talking less and listening more would be wise, especially during training," she said with an air of satisfaction as she watched him fume. "And I wasn't sure how hot the training room would be, so I didn't wear my new uniform. You know, the one with the long sleeves and thick material around the neck." She gestured to her neck and grimaced at the thought of the rough fabric squeezing her arms. It wasn't a total lie. "I'm glad I didn't!"

Kylo narrowed his eyes as she spoke.

Rey continued her assault. "If my clothing is too distracting for you, then I'll wear something else. Can't have you losing focus in case I accidentally slice your arm off."

There she was, the Rey he had craved for so long. Kylo's face flushed crimson as his skin burned with anger and desire. So this was how it was going to be.

"Yes, that would be unfortunate. But it won't be necessary, my courteous apprentice." He slid his hand up under her shirt so he could feel the edges of the binding along her ribs. He glided underneath the fabric and suddenly pulled it down with his fingers. Her binding came apart under her shirt, held together only by one last knot at her back.

Rey's breath hitched in her throat loudly. His deep brown eyes bore into hers. He moved his face so close to hers that they almost touched noses.

"One last lesson for the day. Remember that your opponent will use your weaknesses against you." He moved closer until his full lips whispered against her own, causing Rey to shiver. His eyes turned black as night. "Don't leave them exposed, or he will most certainly take advantage of them."

Kylo snapped back from her face like a snake returning from its strike. His door opened and shut before Rey could formulate a response.

She stood in front of his room trying to readjust her undergarment. 'That asshole,' she thought as she shifted the bag on her shoulder and walked quickly to her suite. Once inside, she flopped face first onto her bed with a groan.

She rolled onto her back with a loud sigh. 'Remember, its just physical. That is NOT Ben. Leave your heart out of this.'

Her resolve was waning, and it was only day one. Her eyes flicked over to the pile of hair pins still laying on the table.

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