The End of the Beginning

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The morning was beautiful. Rey stood in front of a large window overlooking a field, the sun beaming down on her face while she sipped a hot beverage. She wore the same fuzzy robe from her time in the now dissolved First Order, but it was still too long. Kylo had tried to convince her to have it tailored, but she refused. She couldn't bare the thought of someone cutting it up. It held too many memories. She laughed as she remembered one of her favorites; Kylo pulling pins out of her hair while she tried to hide in the fur.

She felt strong arms encircle her from behind. He buried his face into her neck, and she felt him smiling.

"Were you listening to me again?" She asked.

"What would you do if I was?" Kylo growled as he lightly nipped her neck. Rey shuddered and tried not to spill her drink. She turned to face him.

"What was going through your head that morning? Why did you even offer to help with my hair?"

Kylo smiled mischievously. He took Rey's drink from her hand and sat it on a nearby table.

"It was an excuse to get close to you, to touch you. Then, when I got there, I could see down your shirt." Kylo let out an exaggerated sigh. "That was a good morning."

Rey slapped him on the shoulder, feigning offense. Kylo attacked and wrapped her tighter in his arms, pinning her so she couldn't slap him again. She squirmed, trying to escape.

"There's no way you could have seen anything!" Rey exclaimed. "I took precautions!"

"I never lie about cleavage."

Rey started to scold him, but he picked her up and brought her into their bedroom. Rey yelped as he threw her on their bed. She sat up on her knees to confront him, but Kylo grabbed her wrists and pulled them behind her so she couldn't move.

"Kylo, you are so bad," she teased. "You're not supposed to look down the shirt of your apprentice."

Kylo cocked an eyebrow and pulled her into him. She still loved to taunt him.

"Well, you did fall in love with the Supreme Leader of the First Order. 'Bad' is my middle name." His eyes darkened with desire. "While we're on the topic, lately you've been bad yourself. I think you need another lesson with your master."

Rey laughed into his mouth as he tried to silence her protest with a kiss. She pushed her body into him, getting close. He let go of her wrists, and slid his hands down her sides to rest on her hips. She ran her hands through his shiny, black, beautiful mane of hair.

"Teach away, oh wise Master!"


Finn watched the stars glitter in the blackness of space. It had been a year since he had seen Kylo and Rey. They kept in touch, of course, but it wasn't the same. He didn't feel sad, though. He couldn't help but be content knowing they were deliriously happy on whatever planet they chose as a home. Their future was still undecided, but for now, they were content taking their time to explore their Force bond, something they both deserved after everything they had gone through.

Poe was flying again. He taught new recruits and ran missions for Finn. He knew Poe would never be the same after the war, but it wasn't as bad as Finn thought it would be. Poe was more levelheaded, less spontaneous. He had taken his fly boy attitude down a notch, which was just what Finn needed for his galactic air force. He was proud of his friend for the progress he had made, and Rey even sent a hologram one day just for Poe, letting him know she was proud of him too. He smiled for the rest of the day afterward.

Rose walked over to Finn and put a hand on his arm.

"You coming to bed, babe?" She smiled up at him, her large belly blocking Finn's view of her feet.

"Yeah, I was just thinking."

"...about how you're going to be a father in a month, and it's the most terrifying resistance mission ever?"

Finn huffed. "Thanks for that, Rose. Now I'll have nightmares about fighting babies with a blaster."

"It won't be the first one," Rose laughed. Finn smiled and took her hand.

Their room was warm and inviting. Soft yellow lights lit the corners where boxes of baby things were piled together. The nursery was almost finished, and they could finally get everything out of their room. Finn was already sick of the color pink. He didn't know how he would cope with the newly painted walls when he was in the nursery with his baby girl.

Rose sighed happily as she pulled him into their bed.

"At least I won't be the only girl now," she said as she fluffed her pillow.

"You will be if you keep forcing us to look at pink stuff."

Rose laughed loudly and pulled her husband into a kiss. He turned off their lamps and nestled himself into the blankets, making himself a warm cocoon.

"Leave one of them on. It's too dark in here," Rose complained. Finn moaned in frustration as he tore himself away from the warmth.

He turned on a light, flooding the darkness.

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