×|Hero Type Quirks Part. 2|×

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Quirk Name: Reinforce

Type: Transformation

× The user can increase their strength and durability.

× Effect only last 30 minutes.

× How strong/durable they are depends on their current state of hunger. If they're super hungry, their quirk isn't very effective, if they just ate a good meal and are extremely full, it's also not effective. They have to have a balanced diet.

Drawback: Not much drawbacks, but can't stop their quirk once they start using it.

Special: Doesn't have one.

Quirk Name: Infatuation

Type: Emitter

× The user can force a person to be obsessed with either them, another person, an object, or an animal.

× The user has to touch any part of them at least once, and activate their quirk under a five minute timespan, or else they will just become infatuated with the user.

× Effect lasts 1 minute.

× User cannot control when they use their quirk. Extra: Wears gloves to not use their quirk.

Drawback: The only way for the user to use this quirk is it they know what the target looks like. So if they're wearing a mask, they can't use their quirk.

Special: The user touches everyone they can with in a 15 second timespan, and all the people they touch will become infatuated with the users target person. The people who were effected have a strength buff, but have slower reflexes.

Quirk Name: Snail

Type: Emitter

× The user can make their opponent extremely slow.

× The user is always covered in a thin layer of sticky slime.

× Effect lasts 1 hour unless the user releases them

× Can't use on animals.

Drawback: The user themselves is a bit slower than most people.

Special: Doesn't have one.

Quirk Name: Tiger

Type: Mutation

× The user has the strength, size, fangs, has strength, speed, claws, and fur of a tiger.

× They still look a human, they just have the main characteristics of a Tiger. (Without the tail.) Only has fur in some main places, depending on gender furry sideburns, and the size for males and females differentiate.
(Male = 10-12 feet | Females = 6-8 feet)

Drawbacks: Their natural height is a huge problem for getting into small doors/spaces, and their huge claws and hands also make some situations difficult.

Special: Doesn't have one.

And there you have it.

4 Hero Type Quirks.

These quirks can of course be used for

You're welcome.

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