×|Cupid Bloom|×

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Quirk Name: Cupid Bloom

Type: Emitter

× When the user softly kisses a flower, whoever smells the flower next will fall in love with the first person that they see.

× More of a passive type quirk that can be used for causing light or serious havoc.

× The user cannot revert the affection the target has on the person they saw, only the target can remove their feelings, which is extremely difficult.

× User cannot use their quirk on a person to which another person already affected by their quirk loves.

× The user can have someone fall in love with them, if they're the first person they see.

× User can use their quirk on an entire garden, there is no limit to how many flowers they can use.

× Way to be immune to the flowers is to be already in love with the first person they see, or they are so deeply in love with another that the flower has no affect.

Drawback: If the target person falls in love with a adolescent or an elder, a lot of havoc will ensue. There could be one specific flower where their quirk doesn't work on. If their lips are chapped then the quirk doesn't or barely works.

Special: Doesn't have one.

There is the loving quirk,
Cupid Bloom

I don't think a Hero could be made
with this quirk very easily, neither a villain.
However in my opinion, this fits a
Vigilante type Villain.

You're welcome.

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