×|Confession Venom|×

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Quirk Name: Confession Venom

Type: Mutation

× The user has fangs of a venomous snake, and when injecting the venom into their target, they are forced to tell the full truth.

× Works faster depending on where they bit, favourite spot is the neck/collarbone.

× Can retract them like a venomous snake, folding them back against the roof of their mouth.

× Cannot work against themselves.

× Truth venom works for about an hour before it wears off.

× Victim kinda turns into a mind slave, they don't move and just have a blank expression, their eyes are glazed over as well. They will mindlessly answer your questions.

× People affected by the venom don't remember a single thing, and has a small case of short-term memory for the next week or so.

Drawback: User has to keep up their venom potency by eating certain foods. Playing truth or dare works too. If the user asks their victim a question they cannot answer, the time for how long they are under their spell shortens.

Special: Doesn't have one.

And there we have the
duo job quirk,
Confession Venom.

Can be used for
Villainous deeds
or Heroic ones.

In my opinion, I think this quirk suits
a Sneaky Hero more than a Villain.
(Or a cop)

You're welcome.

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