×|Honey Weaponry|×

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Quirk Name: Honey Weaponry

Type: Transformation

× The user can turn parts of their body into honey, to which the user then can turn those parts into any lethal weapon they desire.

× Has to be a medium sized part, like an arm or a leg, cannot turn torso or head into a weapon, but the tongue is not an exception.

× When using a airsoft/gun, the ammo is infinite as long as they have the appropriate amount of honey to produce it.

× Has to recharge their quirk by snorting pollen. (I got that from my sister I think I'll try to illustrate it lol. 😂)

× Can use their hair, ears, and teeth for their quirk as well. Not the eyes however.

× Can't use both arms and legs at once, has to wait at least 5 seconds between deactivating one weapon to use another body part. Ex. Can have their entire right arm as a rifle, while in their left hand their hand(or fingers) is(are) a knife(s). Ex. After using up all the ammo for a shotgun in their left arm, they merge that arm back and has to wait 5 seconds to convert their right arm into a sword or knife.

× Can regain the honey they shot out(if they were using a gun). They just have to get to the bullets and merge them back into themself quickly.

Drawback: The user has to recharge their quirk by (this wasn't my full idea) snorting honey. Yes. Snorting. Like through their nose. Like cocaine. From a flower or a good source of pollen. After getting the pollen, they have a waiting period for the pollen to convert to honey for usage. It takes about 1-2 hours for at least 2-3 gallons of honey.

Special: Full Body Weaponry
The user turns their arms and legs into the weapon they desire, their tongue too if they want. this requires a large amount of energy and pollen, so after they use this attack, they will be very deprived of energy and will need to rest for a prolonged amount of time. This attack lasts for
1-5 minutes, and just activating it requires a large amount of honey and energy. Afterwords they can be easily captured if not careful.

Holy shit I loved this one haha.
And there's the duo-job quirk
Honey Weaponry!

I think this quirk fits a female villain more,
like someone in league with the LOV.

But it could fit a hero too, I can't think how though.
I also think a villain would be more funnier and I just like villains more haha.

You're welcome.

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