×|Transformation Type Quirks|×

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Two of these ideas come from my older sistah and one comes from my mom, so if you don't like them I'm going to be in your closet tonight.

Sister Ideas. (Expect crack-head energy.)

Quirk Name: Were-Otter

Type: Transformation

× The user can morph into an otter at will.

× Can still speak as an otter, but sounds very squeaky.

× Can be an otter as long as they want, but can't turn back for a day after returning back.

Drawback: The user can be an otter as long as they want (even their whole lives if they wish) but once they turn back into their original form, they can't use their quirk again for 24 hours.

Special: Do you seriously expect a special from a quirk that can turn you into an otter?

Quirk Name:  P L A N T

Type: Transformation

× Turns into a fucking plant. (Exact words lol)

× They can turn their body parts into a plant of their choice, as long as they know the specific common name or the scientific name. Even a tree, but requires training.

× The user doesn't need sleep, so a counterpart of it is photosynthesis.

Drawback: Can you not see the drawbacks of being a plant? More susceptible to fire depending on the plant species, needing photosynthesis to have energy to live and use your quirk. Just search up what a plant can't do, alright?

Special: Make up your own, pretty sure you can base it off of Kamui Woods or somethin', figure it out...


Mom Idea.
Already done. That's called Gyrate mom.

The ability to change how you look... With thought alone...!
That's already done too. That's called Illusion and Shapeshift.


Quirk Name: Hakalugi.
(How do you spell that? Make it up.)

Type: Transformation

× The user can morph parts of their body into saliva. (Spit. Spit? Spit.)

Drawback: It's really gross.

Special:  S p i t .

I doubt I'm going to get anything else out of her.
So this one is all me.

Quirk Name: Roller Skate

Type: Transformation

× The user can pop small wheels out from the bottom of their feet.

× The wheels can be in any formation, but mainly Inliners and Quads.

× Colour of the wheels depend on the users mood.

Drawback: It can get annoying at times, like if the user gets spooked and they pop out, causing them to fall over.

Special: With enough training, the user can make wheels from their hands as well, making for better stability or speed, depending on the wheels.

I guess thanks for looking at this...?
I don't know what the hell just happened so just deal.

You're welcome.

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