×|Quicksand Blast|×

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Quirk Name: Quicksand Blast

Type: Emitter

× The user shoots out quicksand from their hands and anywhere it lands will turn into quicksand.

× If the user hits a living moving being, not including plants, the Quirk will not have an effect, it will just slip off their bodies onto an inanimate surface to work, or if the sand somehow sticks, they can make the person or animal suffocate to faint or to death.

Drawback: As said, the user cannot use their quicksand on a living being (unless it's a plant.). Even on a dead body they cannot use their quirk on it, unless the body has decomposed to nothing but bone. Overusage causes numbness in hands until eventually their hands will go immobile for a certain amount of time, depending on how much they used their quirk.

Special: Sandstorm
The user conjures up an insane amount of their quicksand, making a swirling tornado of sand around themselves. They can either send out the sand, making a huge blast that covers the entire area up to 25-35 feet (you can decide just don't make it too underpowered or too overpowered), or keep it around themselves and possibly others, being more like a protective shield.

× User cannot use their quirk again for sometime, and if they do the strain that has happened to their hands will only get worse, until eventually their hands may become paralyzed for a very long amount of time, or for life. The user also cannot use their Special for some time, and has a cooldown of 48-hours.

I decided to put a name in for the
Specials now.

Seemed weird to me without one.

There it is, the duo-job quirk
Quicksand Blast.

Personally, I think the quirk fits a hero.
Don't know why, my brain is screaming 'Hero'.

You're welcome.

Quirk Ideas (Boku No My Hero Academia) (ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now