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Quirk Name: Alternate

Type: Emitter

× The user can switch places with another person.

× The user has to be able to see at least a body part, whether it be a finger or the tip of their nose they can switch with them.

× Has to wait one second between switching and being able to use their quirk again.

× Can switch on any surface, whether it be in the air or laying down, they'll switch.

× Can only switch with some one of they're close enough to, 25-30 feet.

× User switches to their opponents original position, along with their opponent switching to the users original position.

Drawback: The user's target has to be close enough for them to use their quirk, and they have to see a body part of theirs, clothes and hair do not count. Severed limbs don't count either. Overusage causes slight muscle strain, and tires out the user.

Special: User pushes their quirk to the limit, and can switch with someone from 60-75 feet away. With the proper training, they can go even farther.

And that was the duo job quirk

I really enjoyed making this one,
and even though it can be used for
either Heroism or Villainous deeds,
I think it suits a Trickster type of
Villain more.

You're welcome.

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