Thirty Five

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Location: Classified
Time: 2:29 pm

Jungkook gazed at the sleeping face of the doctor, his ocean hair covering his face as he laid on the bed in his front.

He extended his arm to reach for a strand, loving the softness of his locks against his fingers.

Taehyung stirred a little, moving closer to the ravenette's naked body, still in deep sleep.

The warmth made him smile, snuggling even closer.

Jungkook sighed, letting his fingers glide down Taehyung's soft honey colored skin, from his shoulder down to the dip on his back.

His eyes trailed everywhere he touched, going lower until he reached the doctor's exposed plump ass.

He feasted his eyes on the beauty in front of him, oblivious that he's being admired even in his sleep.

Jungkook would admit to himself that the doctor is more than perfect.

And he couldn't believe a man like Taehyung would want someone like him.

Someone who only exists in the dark.

Someone who's not supposed to be exposed to the world.

Someone as tainted as him.

However, Taehyung wants him regardless of who he was and who he had become.

Jungkook doesn't know what good he had done to deserve someone like him.

And for the first time in his life, he's grateful.

Grateful to have been blessed with a man named Kim Taehyung.

He doesn't realize that he's been smiling as he stared at the doctor.

He removed some of the hair covering his lovely face, wanting to see him clearly.

The day hasn't even ended, yet the two of them were already tired. They couldn't get enough, losing count of the times they ravished each other.

They haven't gotten a chance to have a proper meal after breakfast, and Jungkook is surely starving.

Starving for real food.

The ravenette carefully caressed Taehyung's face. "Hey.." He called out, tapping him a little.

Taehyung moaned, shifting even closer to the warmth of Jungkook's skin.

Jungkook chuckled. "Wake up, sleepyhead." He uttered, continuously caressing the doctor's face.

"We haven't eaten yet." He added, seeing Taehyung's eyes slowly open.

"Hmm?" Taehyung blinked, still not fully awake as he looked at the ravenette next to him.

"I'll cook us some food, okay? Go out once you fix yourself." Jungkook uttered, leaning forward and placing a soft kiss on Taehyung's cute pout.

"-want.. sleep.." Taehyung mumbled, burying his head on the soft pillows.

Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle. He stood out of bed, still naked as he went to get some fresh clothes in the drawer.

"You need to wake up and eat. Look at the time." Jungkook muttered, putting on his pants and shirt.

Taehyung just groaned, his naked back on display as Jungkook stood near the bed.

The ravenette playfully slapped Taehyung's butt, earning a low moan from him.

".. hurts.." Taehyung mumbled, which made Jungkook laugh.

"Get your sexy ass in the living room in 15 minutes or else I'll keep you locked in this room and eat you up." Jungkook warned, making Taehyung groan and mumble words that Jungkook weren't able to understand.

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