Imperfect Recap

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// since it's been way too long since I've written Imperfect, here is a quick recap that will briefly describe everything's that happened

// it should be obvious by now but this includes spoilers. no yelling at me for spoiling it when you're the one who decided to read this before you finished the other book


// Long ago, there was a queen that had attempted to escape the Tribe of Shining Suns with four of her kits - and older brother and sister, one that was born just a few days ago, and another kit she was expecting. The attempt ended in failure and the loss of her newborn kit, but the escaped queen managed to escape into the night with the help of another batch of cats. The story has been told and the fallen tree that fell that night still represents the scar of the queen who failed running from perfection.

Moons later, Citrus is born under Sabertooth and Dandelion, with her older brother Blaze, her older sister Maple, and soon after, an older sister to her younger brother, Apple, and two sisters, Lark and Cherry. Time passed and Sabertooth died just a few days after Lark, forcing Cherry to stay behind as the rest of her siblings left to the Training Den. There, Citrus and her family trained for twelve moons to enter the Tribe of Shining Suns, a tribe made out of perfection and grace. She watches as Blaze and Maple leave and as time ticks on, she eventually follows them.

However, a few moons before she leaves, Citrus runs into a band of Imperfects, cats who didn't live in the Tribe of Shining Suns and a disgrace to the world. She learns that the Imperfects are a huge group of siblings banded together, going by the name "Storm Siblings". Firestorm, Blizzard, Lightning, Tsunami, and Wildfire are all Imperfects and attempt to bring Citrus to their side, but her family comes in and engages, resulting in failure for the Imperfects and Citrus' close death. When she wakes up, she learns that the Imperfects were slaughtered effortlessly and Citrus vows to eliminate any Imperfect she sets her sights on.

As she sets out for the tribe, she comes across a small she-cat facing a group of rogues. After being pulled into the fight, Citrus learns that she helped save an Imperfect from capture and leaves before the she-cat can explain anything. Finally, she reaches her goal and is welcomed into the Tribe of Shining Suns by Origanum, the tribe's Alpha. Hailed as a perfect cat, Citrus takes the name Wildflower to prove her loyalty to her new home, promising to do her best to earn her place. She also reunites with her mother, Dandelion, proud to be back at her side after moons of absence.

Not too soon, Wildflower goes on a patrol and runs into a slight Imperfect invasion which turns into a fight between the perfects and Imperfects. To her surprise, she runs into the Imperfects she believed her family killed moons ago. Believing she can fight one, she fights an arriving Tsunami and ultimately loses, surprised at their difference in strength. She wakes up in a healer's den and spots an unfamiliar cat and after talking to each other, the cat introduces herself as Cinder, a Fallen Hero, and Origanum's best friend. News gets around about a Fallen Hero returning, sending the camp into a panic, but Wildflower does get a private chat with the Alpha out of the chaos. Before Cinder leaves, she warns Wildflower about an upcoming fate of her ultimately becoming an Imperfect. Angered, Wildflower snaps at the dead cat and tries to let the words roll off her shoulders.

Origanum tells her that Cinder was her best friend from long ago that had taken a risk and tried to murder a Beta, resulting in her exile and execution by the paws of her best friend. Held back by the memories spent with her, Origanum only knocks her friend out and places her in Imperfect territory, running away before anyone could see her. She explains that the only reason she became Alpha was to hide her mistake and if Wildflower should tell anyone, she'd be killed right on the spot. Wildflower only nods with Cinder's last words echoing in her mind, taunting her.

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