8 Find Out

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        Claire grabbed onto the dashboard and held her breath as Raven peeled out of the parking lot. She nearly screamed as they raced down the street, braking at the light. 

        “So where are we going?” 

        “I thought we were going to hell.” 

        He grumbled as he glanced at Claire and saw her frighten look, “What are you so scared of? You’ve got magic remember?” 

        She whipped her head at him, “That don’t mean nothing at break neck speeds!” 

        The light changed and the car sped off before Claire could say any more. Lights blurred and people became nothing but smudges outside the windows. 

        “Do you even know where the hell you’re going?!” 

        Raven barely glanced her way, “No but I figured we’ll get there when we get there.” 

        Claire graveled, “You’re such a moron.” 

        He turned to look at Claire, “What?” 

        She waved her hand, “Oh nothing, nothing. Just go to the Research Institute building off 49th.” 

        Raven was unsure they would find any specialist, let alone an artifact one there at this time of night but he listened and soon enough he pulled up into the parking garage of the Research Institute. It’s a private building where magic research is conducted and visitation is encouraged, during proper hours. Claire opened the car door and nearly crawled out of the car. Raven walked around and stopped when he saw the mage hovering over her knees trying to catch her breath. 

        “Oh come on now, that’s just over exaggerating.” 

        Claire held up a finger as she breathes deep. Raven crossed his arms in irritation as the show continued. Finally she stood up straight and looked him in the eye. 

        “Who in the hell gave you your license?!” 

        He shrugged his shoulders as he started walking towards the exit, “Don’t like it, walk.” 

        “No, no, no, no, no,” Claire ran up to him and blocked his way with a finger in his face, “What is up with your driving? You trying to get yourself killed?” 

        There was a moment of silence as Raven looked her up and down then smiled, “Well in that case I don’t need to worry anymore.” Claire tilted her head, clearly not getting it, “If I do, at least you’re there to help.” 

        Claire stood there stunned as he walked around her and out the doors. He smiled to himself as the gravel crunched beneath his feet, making his way to the front entrance of the building. 

        “You mean you accept me as your partner now?” 

        He nearly jumped out of his skin as Claire appeared beside him, “Will you stop doing that?! This isn’t Batman.” 

        She tilted her head yet again, “Who’s Batman?” 

        Raven’s hand paused halfway to his mouth about to light a cigarette as he stared at Claire, “You can’t be serious. Batman?” She only stared at him, still confused. He sighed in exasperation, “Tall, wears a cape, gravel voice, hero of the dark…daddy issues. You know the classics, Batman.” Claire only shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. He pinned her with a look as he lit his cigarette, “Didn’t you’re parents or grandparents tell you stories about watching Batman growing up?” 

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