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Two and a half year old Addy and her big brother Carl are sitting in the lounge room. Carl is doing his homework, sitting on the floor at the coffee table. Addy is standing next to him leaning on the table trying to copy him but she is just doing a bunch of scribbles on a blank piece off paper with a crayon. She giggles and points to her paper "car! I do too!" She yells bouncing next to him.

Carl smiles and looks at what she did. "Addy look, can you do this?" He says as he picks up one of her crayons and tries to teach her how to draw a stick figure. She pays close attention to what he's doing. Before she can try coping him Lori walks in "Addison! What have I said about distracting Carl when he's doing his homework!" She storms over and picks her up.

Addy starts squealing and fidgeting. She wants to stay with Carl. "Noooooo!" Addy screamed kicking her feet. Carl looks up sadly watching addy get upset "no mum, it's ok. She wasn't doing anything wrong. I'm still getting my homework done with her here." He pleads. "No, she needs to learn not to distract you like that. Now You get back to your work." Lori turns around towards the hallway and carries a crying addy to her room. Lori takes her to her room and puts her in her crib "now stay there until Carl is finished." Lori goes to leave but addy is getting herself more worked up, hiccuping and crying her eyes out. Lori sighs and turns down her baby monitor, not wanting it to interrupt Carl. She closes the door and goes back down the hallway. She looked into the lounge room to see Carl doing his work, she walks to the kitchen to continue making dinner.


20 minutes later Carl looks up when he hear's keys in the door. The door opens and his dad walks in after a long shift. Rick sighs and puts his stuff down by the door. Carl gets up and goes over to rick hugging him. "Your home early!" Rick laughs "haha yeah I tried to get home as early as I could. I have some late shifts coming up soon. What are you and addy up to?" He looks around the lounge room to see Carl's homework and some crayons and scribbled on paper but no addy. He frowns when he doesn't see her.

Carl looks down sadly. "I was doing my homework and addy was copying me. I swear she wasn't bothering me at all. I was trying to teach her to draw a stick figure but mum got mad saying she was in the way of my homework and took her to her room crying." Rick looks down at him and pats his head. "Well how about we go and get her huh?" He picks up the baby monitor and listens "sounds like she managed to calm herself down too."

Carl smiled and followed rick down the hallway. Lori poked her head out of there kitchen "where are you too going? Dinner is almost ready "we're gonna get addy" rick looks at her slightly annoyed. Lori chooses to ignore him "Carl wash yours hand ok. After dinner you can finish your homework since you were distracted earlier." She walks back into the kitchen ignoring both the looks rick and Carl give her.

As they get closer to addy's room they can hear her and something doesn't sound right. Rick hurry's through the door only to see his daughter laid out struggling to breath between crying and coughing, her lips were starting to go a little blue. "Shit! Carl get her nebuliser." Carl runs to the change table where her medicine is kept and grabs the machine thing he's seen his parents use for her many times. Rick races to addy and scoops her up and adjust's her in his arms. She tried to grab hold of him but is squirming in discomfort at no being able to breath.

Carl hands the machine to his dad. Rick sits on the floor and gets the nebuliser going straight away putting the mask over her mouth. "Come on baby, breath for me." He stairs at her scared. Lori comes running down the hall "Carl! What's going on?" Before he can say anything rick yells at her "call a god damn ambulance!" He's too scared for daughter to go off at Lori.


The ambulance arrives and takes addy straight to the hospital with rick riding with her. Lori brings Carl after them in the car. They rush her straight in and a doctor sees her immediately "can you tell me what happened?" He ask's rick. "Yeah I just go home from work and she had been crying for about 20 minutes. When I got up to her she was crying and coughing through an attack. I got her on her nebuliser straight away but her lips had turned a little blue." The doctors starts checking her lungs as they set her up on some stronger meds. "Luckily it doesn't seem too bad. I think it was more just the prolonged crying that made it worse. The medication is working just fine. Well keep her here for a couple hours but she should be ok to go home tonight. I'll be back to check on her in a little bit." Rick nods and continues to cradle addy in his arms on the hospital bed. He looks down at her as she is half falling asleep from the relief of being able to breath. "My poor little girl. I'm sorry." He kisses her forehead. He's fuming that Lori let her get like that.


After a couple hours the doctor said they could bring her home. Rick sits in the back seat with addy in his arms and Carl cuddled up to his side looking down at his sister as she sleeps. The car ride is quiet. Once they got home Lori told Carl to finish his food and go get ready for bed. They had stopped off on the way home to get dinner since they didn't get to eat earlier. "Dad wait" Carl says quietly. Rick turns around to see him motioning for him to bend down with addy. Carl kisses the top of her head "night night bubs" he whispers sweetly. Rick smiles lightly at him then takes her to her room.

He's in her room for a while just bouncing her in his arms. Her asthma attacks always scare him. He sighs looking down at her. He kisses her forehead then lowers her gently into her crib and tucks her stuffed sloth into her arms. He watches her sleep peacefully for a few moments just to make sure she's ok. He makes his way out of the room but stops in the door way. He looks off to the side at the baby monitor and noticed the volume was turned all the way down. It immediately clicks why he didn't hear crying on the baby monitor when he got home. Now he's really pissed. He turns it back up all the way and looks back one last time before making his way out of the room.

He walks down the hallway and noticed Carl sitting down doing his homework. "Hey bud, it's late why are you doing that now?" He walks over and bends down to look at his homework. "Mum said I was better off finishing it tonight." Rick shook his head "it's ok Carl. You head off to bed. Your homework isn't due till the end of the week and we've all had a hard night. Get some sleep." Carl nods and yawns. And quickly packs up his stuff. He hugs rick and goes up to bed.

Lori stands there in the door way with a pissed off look. "Why did you send him to bed? I wanted him to finish his homework. That's twice today addy has affected his studies. What if she starts affecting his grades. "Rick scoffs, "do you hear yourself? That's your 2 year old daughter who just had a bad episode and was rushed to hospital and all you care about is his grades?" Rich shakes his head. He walks off to their room instead of getting into a full blown argument with her and waking the kids up.

He took a shower and got changed for bed. He looks at there bed then at the baby monitor. He was really worried about addy so he went to her room and made himself comfortable on the day bed. He wanted to be close incase she needed him during the night. He feel asleep comforted by the sound of her even breathing.

Lori was still in the kitchen and was on the phone whispering "no I can't come right now. Addison was a big pain today and cause some issues with everyone. It's to risky tonight. I'll see you tomorrow.....hehe Yeah I'll wear it...bye" she bit her lip as she looked down the hallway to make sure no one had heard her. She was bummed her plans got interrupted. She signed and made her way to their room. She walked into her and ricks bed room only to see the bed empty. She clenched her fist's in angry and made her way to addy's room. She looked into the room to see rick asleep on the day bed. She was beyond pissed. She turned around back to her room hating her child.

Baby Grimes ( the walking dead fan fiction - rick grimes daughter) season oneWhere stories live. Discover now