Chapter Four

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As rick was making his way through the city, he still couldn't believe his eyes. Everything was destroyed. He didn't know where to even start looking for his family. His fear for them has been increasing the further into the city he gets. They couldn't possibly be in here. He's preying where ever they are, that there safe.

After a few minutes he hears a sound. It sounds like a helicopter. He starts looking around frantically. He see's the helicopter in the reflection of a building and starts chasing it on his horse. He goes racing around the corner only to pull the horse to an abrupt stop at the shocking sight. Hundreds of walkers filled the street and started turning towards him.

He quickly turned the horse around and tried racing back down the other end of the street as the large group of walkers starts chasing him. He get's blocked off by more walkers at the other end as well. They start swarming him. There's so many grabbing at him and the horse.

The horse reads as one takes a bite out of the horse. Rick can't keep ahold and falls backwards off onto the ground. As he falls the bag of guns and his hat all fall off. He turns to look at the guns but see's some of the walkers coming for him. He looks around frantically trying to find away out. He crawls backwards as one walker tries to get him.

He noticed the tank and quickly crawls underneath but the walks are following him. He starts shooting as many as he can. He goes to crawl put the other side but more walkers starting coming from that side as well. He's trying so hard to fight them off but starts to lose hope. All he can think of is his family. He wants to see his kids so badly. He wants to know that they are ok, that there safe.

He opens his eyes and see's the hatch underneath the tank is open and quickly crawls in closing it behind him. He sits again the wall trying to catch his breathe. He see's the army man's body beside him has a gun. He pulls it out and starts checking it but he hears a moan coming from the body. Without thinking he shoots it in the head but the sound CEO's through out the tank causing his head to hurt.

After a few seconds it stops and he see's the open hatch at the top of the tank. He stick's his head out and looks around. There's so many walkers. He can't see a way to escape. The walkers on top of the tank get to close so he quickly closes the lid, stoping them from coming in.

He sits back down holding his head. He doesn't know what to do from here. He feels like he's out of options. The quiet is interrupted by the static of the CB radio. He looks over at it and waits. A few seconds later he here's a voice come over it "hey dumb ass, yeah you in the tank. You cozy in there?" The voice says. "You alive in there?" The voice ask's when rick doesn't answer. He gets up quick to answer but hits his head. He tries to ignore the pain and answers the radio "hello? Hello?" He repeats frantically.

The voice sighs "there you are. You had be wondering". Rick is quick to start asking questions"where are you? Are you outside? Can you see me right now?" The voice laughs a little bit "Yeah, I can see you. Your surrounded by walkers. That's the bad news." Rick takes a breath " the good news?" He waits for an answer .... "no" rick looks down before replying "listen, who ever you are, I don't need to tell you I'm a little concerned in here." "Oh man, you should see it from over here. You'd be having a major freak out."

Rick shakes his head "you got any advise for me?" The voice says bad "Yeah...I'd say make a run for it." Rick is shocked for a few seconds "that's it? Make a run for it?" The voice says " it might not be as dumb as it sounds. You got eyes on the outside here. There's one geek still on the outside of the tank, all the others have joined in on the feeding frenzy right now. You with me so far?" Rick repeats "so far" The voice continues "ok, the street on the other side of the tank is less crowded. If you move now while there distracted, you stand a chance."

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