Chapter 4

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Flora and Ciara were among the last people to show.

"I've got to meet up with the rest of my squad. You have to go over there for now," Ciara informed Flora, pointing to the furthest corner.

Flora nodded, "Let's hope I get the spot."

Ciara smiled, crossed her fingers and showed them, "Lets hope!"

Flora walked over to where a few other people were. They weren't wearing shoulder guards like the other squads so she assumed they were like her, wanting the spot.

There were 6 boys and 5 other girls. One boy in particular caught Flora's eye. He was averagly tall, he had dark brown hair perfectly matched his rich brown eyes.

He caught Flora staring at him and he laughed, "The name's Tyrell." He held out a hand for Flora, Flora shook his hand then mumbled, "My name's Flora."

He nodded, "As in flowers? Well plants."

"Yeah," Flora answered. Still embarrassed that he caught her staring at him. "Well nice to meet you, Flora."

Flora simply nodded. "So you want the part on Phoenix Squad?" Tyrell asked.

"Yeah, I've always um looked up to them," Flora glanced away to look at Ciara who was laughing with others.

"Well I wish you well," Tyrell smiled, "Though no one has ever beaten me!"

Another guy behind him rolled his eyes. "He's been beaten a few times," The other guy said over Tyrell's shoulder.

Tyrell spun around, "What was that Luke?"

"I said you've been beaten a few times. Dude you gotta stop lying to impress girls. It's not the way to go," Luke snorted.

"Like you know how to impress a girl," Tyrell retorted. Flora laughed at their antics. She felt more comfortable but a little bit strange as Tyrell basically admitted he was trying to impress her.

"Are you ready to try to fight along side these knights in training?"
A voice boomed. Flora turned her attention from Tyrell and Luke to the person who was speaking.

"I am Sir Gareth, a lengendary knight. Who will also be your teacher," The introduction went on. It was mainly about him and his battles and how he lost his body parts.

"Stop boasting Sir Gareth! I want to see which loser will join the other losers," A girl with black straight hair shouted.

"Oh Sage," a blonde haired girl spoke, "Let Sir Gareth boast."

Her voice was very bubbly and Flora noted that both girls wore red shoulder guards that looked to have an octopus or kraken on them.

Sir Gareth narrowed his one good eye at the black haired girl before continuing, "As you know, by order of the king, each squad is to now have 5 members. All other squads have been filled, now it's time for Phoenix Squad!"

"I want you to make yourselves up. Even if is with a knight school student," Sir Gareth ushered them along, "I will assess you and whoever does the best will win!"

Tyrell turned expectantly towards Flora, "You wanna see if you can beat me?"

"Sure," Flora smiled as she readied herself. Tyrell ran towards her but she dodged him and grabbed his shoulder. Tyrell took advantage of this and grabbed her arm, twisting it she was flipped in the air and landed with a thump.

Tyrell's eyes went wide as he saw Flora on the ground, not moving. Tyrell wad about to help her up when Flora kicked his legs and made him fall.

They continued fighting. Sir Gareth had been roaming around, he harshly told people to stop as they were 'horrible'. Others were still fighting while others started watching Tyrell and Flora.

Ciara had been training with Arc when she stopped and started watching as well. "Hey!" Arc said as Ciara stopped.

"Shh," Ciara told Arc.

Flora ended up pushing Tyrell onto the ground again, she drew her sword and pointed it at Tyrell. He held his hands up in defeat and laughed.

"I've seen enough!" Sir Gareth announced. Flora just noticed everyone who was watching her and Tyrell. She felt like shrinking away. She was never used to so much attention, even if she was a princess.

Everyone turned expectantly to Sir Gareth as Flora helped Tyrell from the ground.

She put her sword away and watched Sir Gareth away. "I've decided," Sir Gareth ran his eyes over everyone. Anticipation was building as he paused.

"Her," Sir Gareth pointed at Flora. She took a step back, it was a weird way to announce she was chosen.

Ciara was the first to break the silence, "Yeah!"

Everyone looked to her confusingly, "Oops," Ciara murmured.

"Uh thanks," Flora said. Sir Gareth opened his mouth to speak, "Other participants can leave now."

Tyrell grabbed Flora's shoulder and spin her around. She became close to him and took a step back. "Where'd you learn moves like that?"

"Oh my dad taught me," Flora replied. It wasn't exactly a lie as her father had taught her in case she was in trouble.

"Cool," Tyrell said as the fawn haired Luke came up behind him. "Let's go now," Luke was already walking away.

"I'll see you around some time then," Tyrell yelled as he ran off. Flora smiled to herself.

Ciara ran up to Flora, "I knew you could do it!"

"Crossing fingers works," Flora laughed.

Sage walked up behind them with the blonde bubbly girl, "Great another loser!"

"Oh come on Sage," Another blonde haired girl started talking. "You're just jealous we have, uh what's your name?"

The girl whispered the last part to Flora and Flora answered, "Flora."

"Flora!" The girl said confidently.

"Yeah up top Prudy!"

Ciara held her hand up for Prudy and they high fived. "Oww," Ciara shook her hand.

"Sorry," Prudy apologised. While Flora wondered what happened.

Sage just scoffed, "Let's go Buttercup."

Buttercup skipped away after Sage.

Prudy turned to face Flora, "Welcome to Phoenix Squad!"

Flora beamed a smile then it was lost as Sir Gareth walked over to them. "I forgot to collect your money," Sir Gareth looked expectantly to Flora.

"Oh," Flora mumbled as she grabbed the bag of money out and handed it to him. "Nice," Sir Gareth began, "Class is dismissed for the rest of the day!"

Everyone began running off. "Arc, Warwick!" Ciara called out.

Flora realized Arc was the same person that was talking to princess Angelica, she ignored it and smiled as he and Warwick walked over.

"Now we have a 5th member," Warwick exclaimed excitedly. "Yeah, now let's go show her around," Ciara said and the others nodded in agreement.

I know Sir Gareth is a little OOC in this chapter. I haven't seen Knight Squad for a bit and I forgot what he acts like.

I hope this chapter is good! Another chapter will be out in a few days. Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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